Chapter 20

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When Taylor woke up to Grace gently rubbing her back she smiled and rolled over. Grace was already dressed and ready for the day, she was wearing a knee-length pink dress and had curled her hair. She looked stunning and Taylor had barely even opened her eyes.

She had sat down next to where her girlfriend lay, her legs dangling off the side of the bed. Taylor didn't know how long she had been there or what time it was, the sun was just barely poking through the curtains.

"Hi, it's time to wake up. You don't want to miss breakfast," Grace said as she poked Taylor gently on the nose, making the blonde giggle slightly. Taylor stared at Grace, admiring her beauty. Grace was generally very laid back and casual with her appearance but around her family she wasn't, Taylor loved seeing Grace dress up.

"Happy birthday," Taylor replied softly, her voice was coarse from sleep. She couldn't remember when she finally dozed off but she still felt a bit tired, wishing she could go back to sleep for a while.

"Thank you, but I'm serious you need to get up. Mama Kent will be in here soon if you're not downstairs," Grace laughed as she leaned in and planted a kiss of Taylor's forehead. Taylor pushed the blankets off and watched as Grace got up to get out of the way.

"I'm going to take a quick shower," Taylor said as she quickly checked her phone. There was an attachment from Tree and the time read shortly after eight.

"Okay, I'll meet you in the dining room," Grace answered as she began to walk out of the room.

"Hey, wait," Taylor began, she reached out to grab Grace's hand. Pulling her back and wrapping her other arm around the brunette's waist she kissed her before letting go.

"I love you," Grace smiled, giving one quick peck on the lips.

"Love you more, see you in a few minutes."

Taylor showered and blow dried her hair, letting it fall natural. She figured she should put on something nicer than yesterday's apparel, thinking about how she might have to send Parker to get her some better clothes. She packed nice, but not nice enough to compete with the family's apparent dress code.

Once she was ready she made her way downstairs to the kitchen where she saw Grace getting plates out of cupboard to set the table with, she offered to help which the brunette quickly turned down.

Grace left with everything she needed and all that remained in the kitchen was Taylor and Grace's mom, Jennifer.

"Is there anything I can do to help you, Mrs. Kent?" Taylor asked, she was trying to be super polite to the older woman. She figured it might be best to get on her good-side before the discussion Taylor assumed they would be having later about Grace and her dating.

"You know what, I think I am okay in here but I am sure the boys would appreciate a refill on their coffees," she answered, gesturing to the coffee pot in the corner, "And please, call me Jennifer, dear."

How did I forget about coffee? Such a glorious beverage should never be forgotten.

"Absolutely," Taylor replied, picking up the pot and bringing it into the dining room. She was a little nervous to be around everyone again but she had definitely gone through more nerve-wracking experiences in her life than dealing with her girlfriends family.

"Tay, there is coffee in the kitchen if you want some," Grace said as she set forks down next to the plates, acknowledging the blonde's presence but not looking up to notice what Taylor was carrying.

"Would either of you like some more coffee?" Taylor smiled at Robert and William, who both nodded and thanked her. Grace blushed as she realized her mistake and went back to the kitchen to grab Taylor a cup.

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