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"I'm home!" I called out, walking in through the front door. I was immediately greeted by all six of our house dogs, all Great Pyrenees. I held the box of donuts high over my head so I could make my way inside to the kitchen through the sea of giant fluffy white dogs.

We had 50 dogs total, six in the house and the rest distributed amongst the goat pens and chicken coops out back. The dogs were really good guards for protecting the livestock from bobcats, wolves, coyotes, foxes, and the occasional bear.

"V! Hey there, nerd," Vance said, walking in from the kitchen to take the donuts from me so I could make it all the way inside. All of my siblings referred to me as 'nerd'. I'd graduated high school as both the class president and the valedictorian, which was a pretty big deal in such a small town.

"Hi, loser," I said. We waded around the dogs and into the kitchen, where they knew not to go. Vance wrapped me into a big hug and held me for a minute.

"How was the flight in? Airport was packed when I came in this morning," he said.

"Not bad. I came a few days after my birthday back in mid April, though," I said.

"What? You haven't gone back to LA since?" Vance asked.

"No," I said shortly. "Dad! Donuts are here!" I called out.

"Hey, we're talking later. There's something bugging you. You're not the type to stay in a small town unless there's a reason," Vance said.

"Dad is a reason," I pointed out.

"And he's been fully recovered for weeks. We're talking later and you're not weaseling your way out of it this time," Vance said.

"Yes! Thanks hon," Dad said, walking over to the donut box and opening it up. "Vance, here's yours."

"Aw, you remembered?" Vance asked, looking at the special donut I'd gotten him.

"Course I did," I said with a smile. Mom came in and we all grabbed some donuts before meandering over to the kitchen table.

"So, what are y'all's plans for the day?" asked Mom.

"What do you want to do?" I asked her.

"I want to stay here with your father while you go and spend some time with your brother. You know, Vance, it's been the hardest thing to get your sister out of the house," said Mom. "Something's going on with you, I know it. We're going to have to—,"

"I have plans tonight, actually," I interjected, not wanting her to bring up the impending conversation as to why I hadn't already gone back to LA. The longer I spent here, the more obvious it was that I wasn't just here for my dad anymore.

"Really? You do?" Mom asked excitedly.

"Yup. Vance and I are going with Hunter to the summer bonfire," I said.

"Oh my god, y'all still do those? I forgot about that," Vance said.

"Well, it's tonight and Hunter just invited me," I said.

"Hunter again, huh?" Dad asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, hush, Kyle. You don't need to get so overprotective every time she mentions the boy," my mom scoffed.

Sam and Colby: The PenitentiaryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora