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Prank wars were brutal. I didn't expect to constantly feel on edge like that, terrified every time I turned a corner or ate something out of the fridge. It was the best few weeks ever.

The guys decided to take it easy on everyone, considering they didn't want to hurt the girls, especially since we'd never done it before. I made a chart with everyone's points and pranks to keep track of everything that happened. We were filming the results video for the fans, finally revealing to everyone who the winner was.

Sam and Colby went through their normal intro, yelling at the camera in a playful fashion.

"Okay, so Mom has kept track of all the scores and pranks we've done. She's going to show you guys the scores we all have on this final day of the UMP," said Sam.

"Okay, Ness. Bring in the board," said Colby. I came in with the little poster board I'd bought. There was a picture of each person's face at the top with a column for each of them. The prank was listed right next to the score for the prank.

"Alright, everyone read their own pranks and their scores and I'll reveal the final scores," I said. I'd taped pieces of paper over the final product from the past weeks, leaving it a mystery as to who had won. You know, unless they'd spent their time calculating their score, which I doubted any of them did.

"Oh, but first, let's go over the group pranks. First, we've got the prank we all played on Corey. As you may remember, he said he wanted to get rid of his manbun. Jake decided we should all do that while Corey was asleep, so we did. That scored everyone except Corey a full 10 points.

"For all of the boys, 5 points for their closet prank. They switched all of us girls' clothes up between closets while we were sleeping. However, we all have very different styles and it wasn't hard to locate our clothes and put them back where they belong. The guys also get another 6 points for their bed prank. They all switched beds while us girls were asleep, causing us all to wake up pretty freaked out," I reported.

"I never want to wake up to see Corey again," said Tara.

"And I never want to wake up to see Jake," said Kat with a shudder.

"Now for the girls. We each got 9 points for replacing all of the toilet paper in the house with rolls of duct tape in the middle of the night. The amount of complaining in the morning from the guys was unbelievable. You'd think they'd notice," I laughed. "We also got 8 points for switching the contents of the guys' underwear drawers. I think what really sold that prank is that no one noticed for over a day until Sam finally realized he didn't own that much Calvin Klein stuff."

"Yes, that'd be me," said Colby.

"And then everyone but Colby and me got 9 points for the final prank of the UMP. Since Jake pissed everyone off, including the fans, with his final prank, everyone decided to pitch in for the final 'apology' prank. They all waited until night, threw 2,000 glowsticks into the pool, and then installed waterproof blacklights for all of the colors to pop underwater," I said. "Now for the individual pranks."

"I'll go first," said Corey. He walked up to the board and pointed under his picture.

"1. Mac N Cheese Kool Aid. Six points," read Corey. He'd put a packet of Macaroni and cheese powder into a pitcher of water and mixed it up, then convinced us that it was orange Kool Aid. "2. Duct tape to the bed, 9 points." Corey had duct taped Jake to his bed while he was asleep. He also managed to not wake up Tara, which is why he scored so high.

"My turn," Jake said, walking up next. "1. Hot dogs from ceiling, 3 points," he read. Jake had tied hot dogs onto strings and then taped them onto all of our bedroom ceilings, leaving the hot dogs just hanging down. "2. Statue prank, 9 points." That one was actually a pretty clever prank. He'd spray painted Brennen to be completely silver, then put him on a platform and had someone pretend to deliver him to the house. Brennen had managed to stay still for about twenty minutes before scaring the living shit out of all of us. "3... fake proposal prank." He said that part quietly. "One point."

Sam and Colby: The PenitentiaryWhere stories live. Discover now