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"Are you done pouting now?" Jake asked as Colby and I walked into the kitchen.

"You guys have some issues," chuckled Corey.

"Well then, y'all seem like some good first targets for the prank war," I said.

"Just kidding. Colby can pout all he wants," said Jake.

"And we all have issues sometimes," said Corey.

"So how are we doing this? Couples or what?" asked Colby.

"I vote we do it individually," said Devyn.

"But maybe sneak in the occasional group effort," said Kat.

"I'm down for that," said Sam.

"How are we scoring this? We obviously have to have a winner here," I asked. "We don't all have super active YouTube channels so it's a little unfair to do it how y'all did it last time."

"How about we ask the fans to rate each prank on a scale of one to ten and then whoever has the most points at the end wins?" suggested Colby.

"Then should we limit each person to one prank a week?" asked Corey.

"Woah, wait, how long is this going to last?" asked Devyn.

"Okay, so maybe we do the three weeks until we leave for our trip and each person can do up to three pranks. Sound good?" said Sam.

"Sure does," said Jake.

"Wait, trip?" asked Kat.

"Where are you losers going now?" Tara sighed.

"Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary," said Sam.

"Isn't that in like, Tennessee?" asked Devyn.

"Sure is," I said.

"You know, there's worse places than a prison," said Kat.

"You're pretty right, actually. This place isn't that bad compared to the other ones we've been to," Sam pointed out.

"I bet we'll find something about it that isn't quite right," said Corey.

"As we always do," sighed Colby.

"We doing Ouija boards and shit again?" asked Jake.

"I don't see why not," said Sam.

"Hey... are we flying in to Nashville or a different airport?" I asked.

"Nashville," said Sam.

"Oh no. What crazy idea do you have now?" asked Colby.

"Are... would y'all be down for a little road trip?" I asked.

"A road trip?" asked Corey.

"Okay, not really a road trip. But there's two places in Tennessee I've always wanted to go," I said.

"What, the Elvis museum or some shit?" asked Jake.

"I'm far too nerdy for that," I said.

"You want to go to some historical place, don't you?" asked Corey.

Sam and Colby: The PenitentiaryWhere stories live. Discover now