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Things weren't exactly the same. They hadn't said the exact same words, didn't do the exact same things. Everything was incredibly similar, but I guess if me and the guys acted different then other people's reactions would also obviously have to be different.

"Anyway, welcome to Brushy. I'm Blaze. Which of you are which?" asked Blaze.

"Golbach," Sam said, offering a short nod.

"I'm Webber," said Jake with a small wave.

"And I'm Brock," said Colby.

"Nice to meet you guys. Well, not nice for you. Considering you're stuck in here now," said Blaze. "What'd you guys do?"

I realized I hadn't asked Red this time around what they'd done.

"I laundered 15k from a Red Cross donation scam," Sam said.

"Breaking and entering with theft and burglary charges, eight accounts of them," said Colby.

"And I got busted with heroin. A lot of heroin," Jake said.

"Well, I think you'll be doing just fine. Mom over here's a pretty big deal in this place. She's part of Center, and so are you now. But seriously, don't piss us off. We won't hesitate to kick you out and being rejected by the center is basically a death sentence," said Blaze.

"Did you find Scherer yet?" asked Jake.

"Who?" asked Blaze.

"Our other friend. We'll find him in the yard later," I said. We didn't need Red's help. Corey would know where to find us.

"Hey, got Center's mail," said the same short man as last time, handing Blaze the thick stack of letters.

"Atkins, Golbach, Brock, and Webber. Get their mail, too," said Blaze. "I know it's weird to get mail on the first day, but it's just the court finalizing your sentences," he said, turning back to us.

"Blaze! Got your... stuff," a guard yelled from the room's entrance.

"Duty calls. I'll be back," Blaze said.

"So we're back in 1977?" asked Jake.

"What?" asked Ray. We all ignored him.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled.

"This is bullshit. Do we really have to do this all over again?" Colby asked angrily.

"You know how Corey was talking about us being missing in our own time?" I asked.

"Your own time?" asked Ray.

"Yeah, why?" asked Sam.

"There's a possibility he could be right. I say we do it the right way this time, don't fuck with the dates. It's the sixth today. We go on the tenth," I said. "Right, Ray?" I asked, looking up at him.

"What's on the tenth?" he asked.

"The tenth is when we leave this place with your little pipe plan and bust the fuck out of here. You tell those other guys deal's off with them. We have some whiskey and cigarettes to pay them off with," I replied.

"What are you talking about, my 'pipe plan'?" Ray asked.

"We know, Ray. And if you don't take us with you, we'll take you down," said Colby.

"Ness, we don't have any cigarettes," Jake said. I smiled slyly and then pointed at the door, where Blaze came strolling in a second later.

"You kids like to smoke?" asked Blaze.

"Nope," said Jake.

"Just drink," added Colby.

"Alright, no problem. Here's a pack for each of you. You know, for collateral and shit. And you guys sharing cells or anything?" asked Blaze.

"I'm with Golbach and Brock's with Webber," I said.

"Easy enough," Blaze said, once again handing one bottle to Sam and one to Colby. Colby cleared his throat loudly after taking the bottle and used his eyes to sort of point at Blaze. He wanted me to ask him about switching cells, but I hadn't told anyone we were dating. It'd be easier to just keep it a secret and not do anything about it for four days. We could manage that.

Yard time was next and we all quickly filed out to see Corey sitting on the same bleachers he had been last time. He ran over to us and we stepped away from the Center to congregate on our own.

"Do we seriously have to do this again?" Corey asked.

"We're leaving on the tenth. You might have been right about messing with our own timeline. If we stick to the location where Ray got caught and we follow him until just a couple hours before he's supposed to get recaptured, we should be able to stay out of any further legal trouble and he won't die. And we won't fuck with the timeline of the future," I explained.

"Wait, that's actually perfect. We got to Brushy on Thursday the 7th, so the tenth will be Sunday. Right when we were supposed to leave," said Sam.

"Good. Now we just have to convince Ray to let us come with him," said Corey.

"And how are we supposed to convince Blaze to come with us? We haven't even known him for more than a couple hours," said Colby.

"Hm... I didn't think about that," I confessed.

"What if we just do it with the five of us? Instead of bringing a sixth?" asked Jake.

"No, we can't mess with things like... well, shit. I guess you're actually right. We can carry enough piping with just six instead of seven of us," said Sam.

"What about resources and shit though?" asked Corey.

"Honestly, we'll only have to survive for 58 hours. Like last time, they don't have pictures of our faces. We could make it into Coalfield again and steal some food and water. I can find a way to swipe some from the kitchen and ask Blaze to stash it," I said. "They'll be moving me to the kitchen soon, anyway."

"What are you going to tell Blaze when he asks why you're doing it?" asked Colby.

"I don't know. I feel like he'll listen, though. And you guys need to play poker again during free time. We need to get more cigarettes to bribe the other six guys off and enough to pay for the newspaper. Obviously Ray doesn't have a stash in his cell considering Jinx likes to raid it whenever he can," I pointed out.

"Are you not going to play poker with us?" asked Sam.

"Nope. I've got a book to read to a certain someone," I said.


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