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"Bitch, shut the hell up and stop dripping your blood all over me," Mike groaned.

"It ain't hers, homie," Shag said.

"Not a drop," Big said, staring at me.

"Honestly, what the fuck?" Rock asked.

"Where's Atkins and what did you do with her?" Red laughed.

"No, this is Atkins. The real question is where has she been?" said Blaze.

"Uh, not beating people up?" Jake said.

"Seriously, Vanessa. What the hell are you doing?" asked Sam.

"I could have taken you out six hours ago. Easy. Now it's an actual fight," Corey said.

"Which is why I need to know what happened," Big said. "If we can pinpoint whatever triggers this type of anger and agility and force, then we'll be able to conjure it."

"Oh, no. No. You do not get to use this one against me. That's cruel," I said.

"Guys!" Colby yelled, running in.

"What!" I yelled, looking over at him. His jaw completely dropped when he saw my face literally dripping blood onto the floor. "Yeah, get over it. What?"

"I just... I heard about Theo," Colby said. When I heard someone else say it, when it was said out loud again, it broke my fucking heart. Shattered it.

I dropped down onto my knees, ignoring the pain that jolted through them when they slammed against the hard floor. My hands shot up over my mouth and I completely broke down.

"Seriously? She does this to my fucking face and now she's crying? Who the fuck...," Mike trailed off.

"She did that?" Colby whispered.

"Shut the fuck up, Mike," said Big.

"No! I will not! This bitch is crazy! If anyone belongs in here, it's her!" Mike yelled.

"That's it—," Big started. But before he could get over to Mike and do whatever he had planned, the gym door opened.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Waco asked, walking in. He came over to see Mike laying on the floor with a busted forehead and me on my knees, my face striped with someone else's blood with tears carving little paths through the red. "What the fuck," said Waco. "Did she—?"

"That depends. Does she get in trouble if she did?" asked Big.

"I... I mean, she should, but... hey, Jinx!" Waco yelled. Jinx walked in to see the same thing Waco had.

"What in the...," he muttered. "Did you...?" he asked, looking at me. I squeezed my eyes shut, pushing out a new set of tears, and nodded.

"Are we supposed to, like...," Waco said.

"Porter! Come get a load of this!" Jinx yelled. Porter came into the gym too. Since all of the guards had been called out from the other room, the other prisoners were naturally curious to see what was going on.

Soon enough, there were dozens and dozens of men and three prison guards just staring at Mike and me. His head was in a small pool of blood and my tears were falling onto the ground pink.

Sam and Colby: The PenitentiaryWhere stories live. Discover now