2: I like my sugar

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The next morning, Paige woke up at six like she usually does, kind of despising the fact that she actually went out with Stiles and Scott the previous night

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The next morning, Paige woke up at six like she usually does, kind of despising the fact that she actually went out with Stiles and Scott the previous night. But she needed to get up early to do her morning routine, which involved her watering her garden. Inside her room on her window sill was a row of little plants. Plus, she didn't have a car or bike so she walked to school in the mornings.

"I have your coffee." Maggie says from in the kitchen after hearing Paige open her bedroom door, "And I didn't add any creamer to it yet, I can never tell just how much sugar you want in it."

"Thank you, Maggie." Paige chirps as she took the hot thermis from her aunt, she pulled creamer from the fridge after reading the ten different flavors they currently had. Her sweet tooth was insane, she loved sugar and anything sweet. Which was why her Aunt made it very clear that she needed to brush and floss her teeth every day.

"Jeez, are you planning to have a sugar crash today or something?" Maggie questions while watching her niece scoop sugar into her coffee. "At this point you're drinking liquid sugar."

"I just like my coffee sweet." Paige defends herself while she stir her once black coffee to a pale eggshell like color, "It agrees with my tummy."

"You're lucky you weren't born lactose intolerant." Maggie states while walking around Paige to get to the stove where she was currently making herself breakfast.

Paige pulled a box of cereal down, "I know." It was Lucky Charms, and despite already being sweet she always added a teaspoon of sugar anyway. "You ready to go back?"

"Mm, I love dealing with freshman-" Maggie flipped her egg onto her plate, "You better be happy that I work at another high school."

"Yeah, I wouldn't want my classmates telling me how hot my Aunt is." Paige stuck her tongue out, revealing a single marshmallow. She laughs at her aunt's face, "I'm pretty excited."

"I still do not understand how you love school so much."

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" Paige asks after drinking down her sugary milk from the bowl, "After all, you decided to go to college to be a teacher."

Maggie stopped eating for a moment and just nodded her head, "I guess I did." She cleared her throat and checked the time, "You should start walking now if you want to make it."

"Right!" Paige quickly rinsed her bowl and placed it inside of the dishwasher, "Bye, see you later."

"Okay, have fun today!"

Paige ran into her room quickly and grabbed her backpack which was left by her bed. She quickly went running out of the house, she stretched her arms up in the air with a sigh before she started her walk to school. Whipping out her ipod, she put her headphones on and walked along the sidewalk with a smile on her face.

She stopped walking for a moment, Paige tugged the headphones so they were now around her neck. Taking a moment, she turned her head to look behind her. In the distance a black Camaro was driving down the road. It was pretty far away but for some reason Paige turned around. She watched as it drove right past her, she hummed and just kept going.

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