25: Who's that Alpha?

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Paige laid on the bed on her back while she held a book up in the air, reading it lazily

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Paige laid on the bed on her back while she held a book up in the air, reading it lazily. Her head was hanging over the edge and her legs were crossed up. She was trying to stay extremely calm and not look over at Derek. And despite having an unbearable crush for someone who barely knew him. He still intimidated the crap out of her so she was worried she'd just drop the crush because he was there.

"Hey-" Stiles walked back into the room and tossed a popsicle at her while he had a cone, "Figured you'd want sugar."

"Oh, my God, yes!" Paige sang in happiness, she felt like her sugar levels were dropping and this was exactly what she needed. She pulled the wrapper off around it, this happened to be the fruit twister Popsicle. Blueberry, strawberry, and vanilla. She physically loved this and she was sure that Noah got them especially for whenever she came over. "So when is Danny supposed to get here?"

"He's on his way."

Paige licked down the side with a smile, "Do you plan on blackmailing him?"

"Quite possibly." Stiles hums and bit down on the cone, "He's our only shot on getting that text traced."

"Mmkay." Paige shrugs her shoulders and continues sucking on her Popsicle. She hummed in happiness while crossing her legs after kicking her boots off. She turned her head and noticed that Derek had been looking at her. Slowly, she took the Popsicle out of her mouth and swallowed. "Did... Did you want one?"

"A treat meant for children?" Derek repeated with a gruffness to his voice, "No."

"Okay..." Paige whispers as she looks back at Stiles with wide eyes. She went back to eating her Popsicle in complete silence. "Adults eat ice cream and sweets too... You're just glum."

"Maybe I'm glum because I'm a wanted fugitive?"

"Yeah, but that wasn't exactly my fault." Paige shoots right over at him as she lifts her legs up so she sat a bit like a frog, "I actually said it was a really bad idea to throw you under the bus. So it's especially not my fault. You can blame Scott and Stiles all you want, but I'm just trying to be nice to you. So-" She twists her head to look back at him, "Want one or not?"


"Okay." Paige huffs while going back to eat her own popsicle in silence. Stiles heard his phone buzz and got up, most likely to meet Danny at his front door. Paige turned to look at Derek, who looked back down to the book on his lap. "Do you need something?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're staring."

"I'm not."

"I may not have super hearing but I can tell that's a lie." Paige sighs and points the Popsicle at him, "You keep staring and if you don't have anything, I'd very much appreciate it if you'd stop looking at me cause it's making me incredibly nervous. Like nervous nervous. Like you know when your heart is beating really fast and stuff, but times ten. So, look anywhere but me."

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