58: Breathe In and Breathe Out

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Paige was just kind of bundled behind the dumpster, absolutely terrified of getting shot

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Paige was just kind of bundled behind the dumpster, absolutely terrified of getting shot. And she was supernatural. Unfortunately, she didn't know how supernatural she was in the healing factor or anything in general. So she would have much preferred to just hide until she knew she was not going to be shot to death.

A yelp left her lips as Boyd dropped beside her, "Oh, my God! You're bleeding."

"Mmhm-" Boyd choked out and then looked over at Derek, he didn't want to alarm Paige at all but he knew he needed to say something, "I think I stopped healing."

"Bullets-" Derek leaned down, his breathing heavy as he pressed a hand against one of his own wounds, "-they're laced with wolfsbane. You got to go, take the car."

At the same time, Paige and Boyd shot Derek a look, but Paige's voice seemed to be more strained, "What about you?"

"I have to find Scott." Derek ushered for them to go, "Take Paige and get her out of here."

"What about you?" Paige repeated this time, pushing more so he'd look down at her, "They won't shoot at me if I go out, will they?"

"You don't know that."

Paige shot him a look, there was no way she'd just leave Derek. Soulmate or whatever the hell they were or not. She didn't want people to get hurt. So she then turned to Boyd, "Go, I'll stay with Derek."



"Go!" Paige yells at him, which actually made Boyd flinch and get up.

"Paige-" Derek went to yell at her, but she shot up and ran around the dumpster. Her eyes connected with her Uncle's and he instantly pointed his gun down. And with that, other hunters did as well. It was the Argents that were still pointed up, but Chris had moved it down.

Paige grabbed onto Derek's wrist and took off in a run. She could feel it earlier but she didn't want to say anything. But her lungs were burning. Like they were actually on fire, so she decided to ignore it. But it had to be someone. Stiles, Scott, Jackson, Isaac, even Erica.

"Someone is hurt." Paige whispers, but Derek had heard it. She didn't let him go yet, even as she approached Stiles. The only time she had released him was because she went through the mountain ash just fine but Derek was stopped.

"Whoa!" Stiles caught Paige before she could go falling back from the sudden pull, "Why the hurry?"

"Are you okay?" Paige demands as she looks him over, "Is everyone okay?"

"Uh, yeah, but I can't find Scott-"

Paige felt even more pain in her chest and then instinctively heard a howl fill her ears. She covered them and squinted up at Stiles, "It's Scott."

"Scott?" Derek had heard it as well, it was coming from past the mountain ash, something that he couldn't pass.

"What?" Stiles looked between Paige and Derek, now knowing exactly where she had disappeared too.

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