51: Faith and Trust

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"Sweetie, I'm so-"

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"Sweetie, I'm so-"

Paige took a step back and raised her hand up, "You're sorry. I already know you're sorry. You've told me you're sorry. But I don't forgive you. You're not sorry about how you treated me or how you lied, you're sorry that I found out."

"Paige, sweetie, please, I know you're still upset-"

"I think I'm a little more than upset." She pressed further with a deep scowl on her face, "I may have been able to forgive you for keeping this from me cause I guess I can understand wanting me safe. But you were willing to change my entire life because of it. You didn't want me to associate with Scott."

"I didn't want you to get dragged into all of that-"

"Well, I would have eventually, wouldn't I?" Her voice wasn't ever this angry, not even with Stiles -who was the person that pissed her off the most- because her Aunt should have been the one person to never lie to her. This woman was family, the person who raised her to be who she was today. "Since I'm not exactly human... Did you know?"

Maggie's brows furrowed together as she stared at her niece in sadness, "I was hoping to avoid all of that. I... I hoped nobody would trigger your powers."

"You knew this entire time that I had powers?" Paige should not have been surprised by this or so hurt. Maybe she should have expected this hurt. "That I wasn't... normal?"

"I've always known." She answered truthfully while stepping over her papers to get closer to her, but Paige just took a step back, "Your mother told me when you were born."

Maggie moved over to Peter and slapped his arm, "Be nice. You're lucky Phoebe even let you come here."

"What a privilege." Peter responds sarcastically while wrapping an arm around her waist, "What do you all plan to do now?"

"Peter-" Talia huffs before taking Paige from Derek and giving her back to Phoebe. She turned back to her son with a soft smile, "Why don't you go check in on your sisters and tell Laura to go get you all something to eat?"

Derek quickly left the room in search of his sisters. Maggie smiled at Derek and then glanced back to her sister, "You do know that Peter has a point?"

"I just want to hold my daughter without thinking about that." Phoebe whispers as she cooed softly at Paige.

Maggie only gave her sister a concerned look before pulling away from Peter, "Your OBGYN is calling her a miracle baby. We need to discuss how you were even able to conceive a baby. I am beyond excited to be an Aunt, trust me. But you're infertile Phoebe. Paige shouldn't even exist."

Talia sighed and nodded to her brother, who moved off and closed the door to the hospital room, "Phoebe, it's time you tell your sister."

Maggie only grew confused, "Tell me what?"

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