24: Pretty or not

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Paige sat down in front of Scott and Stiles with her lunch

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Paige sat down in front of Scott and Stiles with her lunch. Chicken tenders and mashed potatoes and a ripe apple. Paige actually loved this lunch the most, the chicken tenders were made with buttermilk.

"Did you get her to give you the necklace?"

Paige glanced over at Scott, who already looked like he was moping. So she could probably guess his answer before he said it.

"Not exactly..."

"Ah..." Stiles picked up one of his own tenders and bit into it, "What happened?"

"She told me not to talk to her." Scott didn't even bother to eat his own food and he poked at it, "At all."

"So she's not giving you the necklace-"

"She's not giving me the necklace!"

"Okay-" Paige cleared her throat and dipped her chicken tender in the gravy, "Calm down there, was there anything else you found out?"

"Just that I know nothing about girls, and that they're totally psychotic."

"Hi, hello-" She waved her hand in front of his face with a sarcastic smile, "Girl sitting right across from you."

"Yeah, but you're different from other girls."

Paige blinked her eyes a few times and leaned back, "Okay, well, I think I'd like to officially put my resignation in for this friendship because you two are so incredibly sexist sometimes that I am not surprised you're both single. Full offense, Scott, cause I am fully offended. Gosh, Stiles, text me later. I'm just going to eat somewhere else while you sit and think about how what you said was offensive."

Scott's mouth dropped wide open as Paige got up and left the table, "Was I being mean?"

"I don't know. Girls are weird."

Scott pauses and winces, "I think we might have to re-evaluate how we treat Paige..."

"She's just dealing with family stuff right now. She'll be fine."

Paige released a long sigh while eating her food in the gymnasium while staring down at the pool. Her next class was P.E. with Allison and Jackson, so that was going to be a fun mess. This wasn't the first time that Scott would say a rather sexist comment, but this time the comment really bugged her. Was she really just one of the guys because her best friends were boys. Did other guys view her as a masculine personality because her friends were guys? Was she always just going to be another 'bro'?

She hadn't really thought about thinking of the opinions of other boys but now that she was developing crushes it bugged her more. People always compare her with Stiles, how they always said she was just the female version of him. Paige personally didn't see the resemblance at all, but now she wondered if Derek did. He probably did, which explains why he finds them both incredibly annoying.

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