65: Game Night

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Paige rubbed her hands together with her gloves under her armpit, the bright lights surrounding the stadium were giving her a bit of a headache

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Paige rubbed her hands together with her gloves under her armpit, the bright lights surrounding the stadium were giving her a bit of a headache. Or maybe the complete fear of what might happen tonight. She was so unsure what was going to happen.


Stiles turned his head and gave her a confused look, "What?"

"My aunt is here."

"Maggie?" Stiles' eyes lit up. He always liked Maggie, he definitely had a crush on her when he was younger, it was basically gone but that didn't stop her from being pretty to him. Plus, he was in love with Lydia, so his strawberry blonde would always come first in his eyes. He was also a little sour with what happened between Paige and Maggie in the first place.

"No, Odette is here." She put her gloves onto her hands and released a worried noise, "Along with Maggie. Maggie comes to all of my games, even if we're fighting... but... I just had this bad feeling. I love my aunt Odette, but... she's near Gerard right now."

Stiles furrowed his brows together and looked into the crowd to notice a woman was in fact seated near him, "That's your aunt? Wow... how is every female in your family gorgeous and you look like you-"

"I-" Paige released a loud asp and smacked him with her gloves, "You're such a rat! You're a slimy, annoying rat! I ought to beat the everloving crap out of you. You're so rude!"

"I'm just speaking facts-"

"Facts about what?" Scott questions as he approaches the two of them, his nerves a little obvious after finding out that Gerard had benched him while Jackson is playing. Scott jumped when Paige punched Stiles in the chest. "Oh, nevermind."

"Ow, why'd you have to punch me?"

"You know why." Paige shot him a rather pointed look as more people appeared meaning the game was going to be starting really soon.

Scott just nodded his head in understanding, meaning that Stiles said something stupid to Paige again. He cleared his throat and got down to what he wanted to ask Stiles in the first place as they sat on the bench together, "Your dad coming?"

"Yeah, he's already here." Stiles pointed to where his father was seated beside Melissa, who had ushered Maggie over to sit with them as well.

Scott nodded his head again and leaned his elbows onto his knees, "You seen Allison?"

"No, you seen Lydia?"

"Not yet."

Paige looked around at the crowd and then back to Scott, "You know what's going on?"

"Not yet."

Stiles began to bounce his leg from his own nerves now, "It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?"

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