62: How important is your family?

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"Deleted." Stiles states while looking up warily at Matt, who was seated with the gun still pointed at the group, "And we're done. All right, so, Matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it because they killed you first - whatever that means - I think we're good here, right? So I'll just get my dad, and we'll go, you know? You continue on the whole vengeance thing. Enjoy the kanima."

Paige couldn't take her eyes off of Matt, even his body language seemed different. It was so nonchalant and uncaring that it was leaving Paige with more unease than the gun in his hand. Her attention was drawn to the window as headlights flashed into the room from outside.

"Sounds like your mom's here, McCall."

Scott grew tense, "Matt, don't do this. When she comes to the door, I'll just tell her to leave. I'll tell her we didn't find anything. Please, Matt."

Matt didn't even turn his head at the sound of a door opening in another room, "If you don't move- now, I'm going to kill Stiles and Paige first, and then your mom."

Paige breathed out a shaky breath and looked over at Stiles. He moved beside her and then followed Stiles out. Stiles made sure to have Paige walk in front of him, leaving her sandwiched between him and Scott. So Matt was the one behind him with the gun pointing at his back instead.

Scott stopped at the door making the others stop as well, but Matt didn't care. He didn't like to wait or the suspense of it all. "Open it."


"Open..." Matt raised the gun, "-the door."

Scott just shut his eyes and leaned for the door. He pulled it open and let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank God."

Paige raised her hand and rubbed the back of her neck, "Uh... Don't celebrate."


Derek fell over and revealed Jackson behind him, partially transformed into his kanima form. Paige just made a face, she had noticed last minute that there was a small pinching pain in the back of her neck.

Stiles just closed his eyes and then looked down at Derek's paralyzed body. His eyes drifted over to Paige, wondering if she could feel that his body was numb or not with her powers. Matt seemed too amused as he stepped forward and squatted to look down at Derek.

"This is the one controlling him?" Derek all but scoffed at the teen, "This kid?"

"Well, Derek-" There was venom in Matt's voice as he spoke, "-not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf. Oh, yeah, that's-" He stood up completely and faced the group, "-that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, kanimas. It's like a frickin' Halloween party every full moon. Even Paige is something supernatural, what? I don't know. Except you, Stiles. What do you turn into?"

"Abominable snowman." He answers stonely and yet with sarcasm at the same time, "But, uh, it's more of, like, a wintertime thing, you know, seasonal."

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