Chapter 5

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Hey guys I know I suck at updating fast but I have bad memory and yea so again sorry.


Wade held on to Peter like his life depended on it. Then again right now it kinda did.

{he looks sexy in that suit}

<not right now, kinda in a life or death situation>

{don't be so dramatic that's my job>

"Shut up!" Wade hissed

Peter gave him a confused look " I didn't say anything."

"I wasn't talking to you."

Peter shrugged "I've given up trying to understand you."

They finally reached the helicarrier and Peter swung then in.

"We should probably go. I think they're still right in our ass." Peter warned

The SHEILD officers nodded and began to take off.

"Wow did spidey just swear!?" He put his hand over his mouth, a fake look of disgust on his face.

"Shut up." Peter mumbled

"You wound me, baby boy."

Peter groaned and opened his mouth to respond when a SHIELD officer spoke.

"Did you get all of the SHIELD files?"

"Yep, spandex over there got the online stuff on a flash drive and I," he paused and pulled out a bunch of files from some pocket in his suit, "got these." Wade chirped

The SHIELD officer took them and the flash drive before turning back to the helicarrier commands.


They returned back at the base where they were greeted with the worry filled iron man and captain America. They pulled Peter into a hug.

"Are you ok?!"
"How'd it go!" Tony and Steve asked at the same time.

Peter smiled. "  it went great. And I'm fine."

Wade threw his arm over peters shoulders to which Peter immediately threw off , "We got the files and didn't kill each other so I call it a win."

The men glared at him. He raised his hands in surrender " What! I just said we didn't kill each other. Isn't that good?"

Damn Wilson, I really do hate you." Stark said as he guided Peter and Steve away.

"Hey, what did I ever do?"


Wade was sitting on his roof and he definitely wasn't waiting for a certain spider to arrive.

{don't even try to lie. It's pathetic}

"Kinda like you." Wade mumbled


<shut up, both of you>

After a few minutes of silence he heard footsteps and whirled around.

"Hey." Peter said sitting next to him.

"Hey." Wade responded.

They sat like that for a while. Wade noticed something was of with Peter.

"Are you ok?" Wade asked.

"Are you genuinely concerned?"


"Ok fine, I just, I don't know my dads are leaving SHIELD only because they sent me on a mission that was apparently "dangerous"." Peter huffed.

"Dang." Was all Wade said

{really Wade? Dang? Couldn't think of anything better dumbass.}

<usually I would say be nice but that was a shitty response>

{you know it's bad when L swears>

"Yea." Peter sighed, "I'm tired of them treating me like I can't go on a simple fucking intel mission with backup."

Wade didn't really know what to say. So he put a hand on Peters shoulder. He didn't pull away


Hey guys sorry about the short chapter I'll write a longer one next. Thank you all so much for reading this. It's my first story and I was so worried no one would read it. I know it's not the best but I try.
Bye potatoes

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