Chapter 7

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Hi guys

I have nothing to say for myself. I just had no motivation I had time but no motivation. I'll try to be more consistent
I hope you enjoy!


Wade was laying in his apartment. Now I know that he also lives in the avengers building but tony doesn't like for him to be there most of the time so... apartment.

Steve, Tony, and Natasha were on a stelth mission from sheild. They were stalking a known ex shield agent who according to fury had plans to blow up shield. For all starks big talk about not liking shield he still worked for them. Why? Well that was a mystery for just about everyone.

His phone buzzed. He glanced at the ID. Picking up his phone and opening the text, he smiled to himself.

Help Bruce is babysitting me and I'm not allowed to leave 😢

Not my fault your dads are over protective


Wade rolled his eyes and went to tell peter he isnt going to risk Iron Can and the United States wrath.

{you can't say no to him}

<have you seen how much the starks hate us!?!!?>

{come on just help out our spider}

"I hate you guys."

<I was trying to be helpful>

"Aren't you always." Wade mumbled

Fine I have a plan

Ok I'm really sorry I just had no inpraration I know this was super shitty but I'll try. I'm super siked that my first story has gotten to almost a hundred views! Even tho I never update. I'll be better I hope bc now I know what I'm doing next in this book.
Ok bye potatoes

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