14. But we aren't dating.

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Thank youuuuu KarolineNKristensen for the lovely cover! You are a gem!! <3

Thank youuuuu KarolineNKristensen for the lovely cover! You are a gem!! <3

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Chapter 14.

But we aren't dating.


"Some people just need a hug around their neck with a rope." Janice hissed, pulling me through the crowd of students.

I silently followed her, pushing a stumbling guy with a drink in his hand. Wait! How did he even get the drink? This is a school festival, no alcohol allowed. "Hey you!" I shouted at the guy. He turned to face me, his eyes squinting in concentration. "You look like a penguin."

I frowned at his analogy. Should I be pleased that he compared me to a cute animal or insulted because penguins are pretty fat and walk weirdly? I shurgged in off, narrowing my eyes at the glass in his hand. "Where did you get this drink from?"

He looked at the glass and beamed. "Oh this? That guy over there-" he pointed at a small crowded stall which wasn't there till yesterday. "-he's giving this away. Free! I love free stuff! You should try it... it's delicious. And FREE! Wohoo free!!"

I blew a breath of frustrated air, waving him off. As the slowly crowd cleared I caught a glimse of the unregistered free drink giver.

Alan Moore, you are in so much trouble!

"Joanna! Are you even listening to me?" Janice cried angrily.

"Uh yeah of course. You said something about hanging a hug uh I mean hanger?"

She gave me a flat look. "I hate repeating things, so nevermind what I said."

I licked my bottom lip, wanting to go and scream at my dumb friend. But Janice needed me right now. I finally sighed, last day, let them have fun. I turned my full concentration to my best friend. "So what exactly happened?"

Janice rubbed her eyebrow in irritation. "You know that Kathy? Alicia's right hand?"

"Unfortunately." I replied, wondering where this was going.

"She kissed Dylan. Oh god! She mother effing kissed him. You know like like lips touching and saliva exchanging! I could swear they had tongue." Janice exclaimed, pulling me into a room where a couple was making out. For God's sake this is school festival not a college party. Some are getting drunk and some are getting junk.

"Get out, right now or I'll let go my pet sharks on you." Janice threatened and immediately the couple ran out with the guy holding something in his hands which looked suspiciously like a girl's panties. Eww.

I turned to Janice who was storming through the room. Walk. Turn around. Walk. Turn around. Walk. Turn around.

"Janice, you said you didn't like Dylan day before yesterday." I reminded her, when she had spent the morning at my place.

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