18. Selfie is short for selfish.

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Dedicated to Nerd-grl for being a great fan and making me smile by her comments <3

Chapter 18.

Selfie is short for selfish.  


The next morning when I woke, I was alone on the bed and the sound of water gushing came from the bathroom. At least he didn't run away, terrified after seeing my emotional side.

I rolled out of the bed and grabbed some clothes, waiting for him to come out. The minute he came out, I ran inside, my bladder threatening to burst.

After my shower, we went to school on his motorbike. I didn't know how he got his motorbike back here but I was happy. Motorbike over car any day, expect on a rainy day. One is to skid and get a fractured bone especially at Bryan's driving speed

The journey was short and consisted of only "hi's", "see ya's".

Were things already changing?

"We should go to my place." Janice suggested after school, not waiting for our response. She opened the door and sat inside her car.

Rolling my eyes, I followed her actions and soon we were joined by Max and Dylan in Max's car. Ace on his bike and Brittany and Logan in his car. Alan was apparently busy trying to get Celia fall for him. He just doesn't give up! 

After an hour of practically doing nothing, I grunted. Ace was back to ignoring me, mildly. He would look at me, smile, speak politely like we had just met, but that was that. We had yet to talk about the kiss, I knew we had to but I was terrified to start on that topic and Ace didn't even seem affected by it. So I let my fear grip me and kept quiet.

"Celia slapped Alan." Janice informed, looking up from her phone.

"He texted?" Logan asked, shifting on her couch.

"Yeah, I asked him why he hasn't come yet. He said he read out something from Tumbler that had more than 10k likes. In response she slapped him. Now he's at her place trying to woo her by more Tumblr posts." Janice snorted.

Max laughed, "What a whipped ass!"

"What did he read out?" I asked curiously.

Janice held up one finger, gesturing one second. After a few seconds, she rolled up on the ground clutching her stomach as she guffawed.

We looked at her quizzically. Cat got in her vagina?

Logan grabbed her phone and read out Alan's text, "Once in a lifetime someone special comes along, whose kiss is your rainbow when you feel low."

"I wonder why someone would slap for that." Brittany muttered.

"Wait till the end." Janice choked out, still laughing her head off.

"Once in a lifetime some special comes along whose touch reminds you that fairy tales do come true." Logan continued.

I held the urge to aww.

"I know someday I'll meet someone special, it's true. But right now I am horny, and you're hot, so you'll do."

The room silenced for a few seconds and then filled with laughter, loud laughter. Even Ace was laughing, the corner of his eyes crinkling.

"That teaches you that the start maybe good but you should wait till the end." Logan snorted, typing something on Janice's phone.

"That teaches you not to trust tumbler, the number of naked, stupid and horny pictures on it is uncountable." Max said, shaking his head in displeasure.

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