32. The python turned into a butterfly.

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Reason for late upload: Effing exams! Ugh!!!!!

Dedicated to Livashnee14 for being an awesome reader! Thanks!!

Chapter 32.

The python turned into a butterfly.


I hated hospitals.

The smell of bleach filled my nose and I wrinkled it, not liking the smell even a bit. The corridors seemed stuffy as families huddled in corners weeping and hugging each other. The walls so empty and plain reflected the lives of many people present here. The floor shined brightly, way too brightly as the workers kept wiping it even though it was more than clean. Nurses moved swiftly, only stopping to give sympathetic smiles. Doctors rushed all over the place, their faces twisted with tension.

My blank eyes drank in the scene without any emotion. I felt hollow and extremely guilty. My back pressed against the wall and my hands buried in my pockets, I knew I never wanted to come back to hospitals again.

"No! Please try. He can't die yet. Just try one more time. I beg you, please."

I blinked at the commotion. A young lady with a small boy in her hands wept uncontrollably as she begged an old doctor to save someone dear to her, probably her husband. The small boy sensing his mother's distress, warped his hands around his mother's neck and kissed her cheek lovingly in a way of comfort but that only resulted in the mother crying harder and hugging her son back tightly.

"I am sorry." The doctor said in a low tone giving them a pitiful look. "We tried but it was impossible he had lost a lot of blood already."

The mother shook her head. "No! What are we going to do now?" and she crumbled on the floor with her son.

Instantly two nurses helped her, saying soothing things. One tried to take the boy from her but the mother latched on him as if it was her only life line. "No no, don't take him away too." She cried, shooing the nurse away.

A younger lady joined them and lifted her off the ground. "It's okay Cara, it will all be okay. Hush now." She cooed and guided them out of the corridor.

I stared at them my own mind filling with memories of Kian. The way I had crumbled on the ground when I came to know of his death, the way I blamed the doctor because he couldn't save my twin, the way I later understood it was my own fault and not the doctors, how Connor had consoled me and promised to quit smoking the very next day, the way Alicia kept blaming me and how I missed him every single second and wished he was with me instead of being several lives away.

Some people come in our life and leave soon but their footsteps stay engraved in our hearts forever.

We loved them a lot but God loved them more.

"Joanna." I blinked, suddenly realising that my cheeks were wet from the tears unknowingly escaped.

"Hey Connor." I rasped, my voice cracking from staying numb for too long.

He pulled me into a brotherly hug. "It will be okay, it wasn't your fault."

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "It's funny how the last time I was here you had told me the same thing."

"Because it's true, what happened to Kian wasn't your fault and nor is this." He whispered, rubbing my back soothingly.

I took a deep breath and stepped back. "Any news?"

Connor shook his head. "They are still doing the operation."

I nodded and looked around at the distraught faces of my friends. Janice was crying and had been for the past fifteen minutes while Dylan rubbed her back and cheeks lovingly. Brittany had just finished crying and she and Max were cuddled in a corner, a few tears still sparkling in her eyes. Alicia was at the corner talking on her phone. I vaguely remembered her saying she had to call her dad.

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