28. Just because we had sex doesn't mean you can control me.

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Dedicated to @EizaticaNT for being a super awesome reader and sticking a big fat grin on my face! <3

Possibly the longest chapter of this book.

Chapter 28.

Just because we had sex doesn't mean you can control me.


"So what are we doing here?" I asked Ace, settling on his bed in Indian style.

"Why? Completing your bucket list of course." He informed smirking and removing a well folded paper from his back pocket.

"Do you keep it with you all the time?" I pressed my lips together, finding it rather amusing.

He simply winked at me and sat beside me, keeping the open paper in front of me.

I glanced through the old and yet immaculate paper.

Joanna's Bucket list: (If found do not read)

1) Scream from the terrace of a high building on why I love Disney movies.

2) Compliment every sad looking person on the road.

3) Play a prank on Mrs. Finn.

4) Paint a random wall in random colors and designs.

5) Go for skinny dipping at midnight.

6) Push Alicia in the pool because she doesn't know to swim.

7) Find the perfect boyfriend for Janice and then kick him once. Hard.

8) Change someone's life.

9) Slap any 5 people when I am drunk.

10) Have sex on the beach under moonlight near bonfire.

11) Sky dive/ snorkeling / BASE jumping (Any one)

12) Add some more to this.

I blushed uncontrollably at the 10th one, wanting to just wipe it off. Noticing my discomfort Ace smirked even more, pointing at the 10th wish and winking at me. I cleared my throat wanting the pink in my cheeks to disappear.

Now that we were a couple, he knew he was the one I would completing that one with and I was damn sure he wouldn't leave a single chance to mock me about it.

Curse my stupid 10th grade self.

"Why have you added a heart at the end?" I muttered, staring at the 5th point.

5) Go for skinny dipping at midnight.

He smirked. "Because that the best wish in this whole bucket list and I love it, in fact I can even visualize you, walking towards me completely naked in the moonlight that made your boobs look even bigger and oh I can just get a hard-"

"Shut up!" I hissed in mortification, blood gushing to my face like the Niagara Falls.

He blinked at me innocently. "But that's exactly what I am imagining."

I gritted my teeth. "Don't imagine because that's not happening again and you say about that to any, you can forget about completing the 10th one too. So which are we doing now from the bucket list?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

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