Chapter 8: Aua

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(Thank you Purple_SHADOW1122 and Marti123X for your Suggestions/ideas! This chapter will probably be either funny or a little dark, it depends on your sense of humor honestly.)
     The harsh coughing of Poppy and Branch were heard, showing they are okay. "I'm really glad you came with me." Poppy breathed out, referring to Branch.

     Said Troll looked over at the Queen of Pop, taking in another breath before responding with, "Me too." Branch and Poppy staring at each other and having another moment for under five seconds before being interrupted again. Trollex watched with tired eyes as Hickory ran up to the Two Pop Trolls and unintentionally get dirt in their faces as he stopped.

     "There ya are, Whoo!" Hickory cheered, taking off his hat for a small bit to swing it before placing it back on his head. "I think we lost 'em, we should be alright." Hickory said, shaking off the streamers that covered him into Branch's direction.

     "Thank you, I don't know how we could ever repay you. Oh, wait! Yes I do." Poppy started, at first sounding very generous before her natural excitement seemed to come back. Trollex was starting to wonder if he should bother staying awake to watch all this, though he has temporarily fallen asleep a few times during their conversation, that's still going, but he woke up again due to his position being one that doesn't let you fall asleep easily. Since Trollex has his head in one hand, he had a fifty percent chance of his head falling if he did fall asleep long enough.

     "...What's in it for you?" Branch said, that was what Trollex heard as he started paying attention to the conversation again. It didn't take long to realize that Branch was suspicious of Hickory, Trollex would say that he's suspicious of everyone he just met. Trollex would also say that Branch isn't the best at first good impressions, and that's speaking from experience.

     Poppy made a sound and flailed her arms in a way that's meant to gain attention, which was successful. "Branch," Poppy said before laughing a bit, as in one laugh by the looks of things, "I'm sorry about my," Poppy started, facing Hickory before quickly looking at Branch with a stern look, "associate." Poppy finished, getting a flinch from Branch.

     Poppy turned herself and Hickory away from Branch and started walking along the riverside, Branch followed with look of, well, Trollex couldn't quite think of a name for it when he saw it. Branch's face looked confused, worried, maybe even a little surprised. Trollex swam in the river, being beside Branch and feeling kinda bad for him.

     "I loved your message about music bringing folks together, you may be Pop and I may be Country, but Trolls is Trolls." Hickory told Poppy with a smile, Trollex saw that throughout that entire statement, Branch only got more annoyed and frustrated. Jealous even, Trollex almost giggled to himself at the thought.

     Trollex almost couldn't hold in his giggle as Branch said, "Trolls is Trolls," in a voice meant to sound like Hickory before speaking normally, "Wow, deep." Trollex actually managed to get his attention with a wave, giving him a look of sympathy. Trollex isn't new to that sort of thing,  jealousy that is when it comes to friends.

     "This is the beginning of a Partnership between Trolls that'll save all Trolls!" Poppy cheered, Trollex lowered himself more into the water, wondering if Poppy even remembers that he exists. Poppy saw Trollex and her expression changed to embarrassment, that actually made Trollex feel a little better.

     "Okay, we need to get to the Funk Trolls before Barb." Poppy explained while showing the location of the Funk Trolls on the map. Hickory pointed out that the best way to the Funk Trolls, based off the map, would be down the river. Trollex was so glad that they would using to river to travel, he even gave a tired cheer that was awfully quiet, but it's mainly because Trollex feels like he's about to pass out and doesn't have the mental energy left to really bother with being loud.

King Tollex Trolls World Tour ThingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora