Chapter 10: Bedauern

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(Thank You Purple_SHADOW1122 and Ninja_Puppet for your Suggestions/ideas!

Extra Note: I was ticked while writing the second half of this chapter, so my anger is going to show around the middle where I added a little snippet of something, I guess it's like a sneak peek or a gift, I'm not sure yet. If you want to know why I was angry, go to the conversations tab on my account.)
As Poppy, Branch, Hickory, and Trollex all floated up the ship within the bubbles that captured them, they saw that the inside was actually a city. Trollex was able to tell that it was Funk because of, well, it screamed Funk everywhere with the music and style.

Trollex spotted where the music was coming from, it looked like a show/concert was going on. The Trolls playing and watching all seemed so happy, it made Trollex worry that they may not know what's coming after them.

It didn't take long for the scene to fade away into a bright light, since the bubbles they were in floated up into said light before emerging from the ceiling of a room. All four Trolls having to turned upside down before straight again as the bubbles landed on round surfaces. Poppy was the first to land, then Hickory landed rather roughly before Branch landed on his head. While they all landed on the soft and round surface of a seat, Trollex splashed into a tube of water.

The splash was big enough(due to the extra water from the river that was also inside the bubble) to get water to land on Hickory and Poppy, but Branch was just barely able to miss being splashed. Trollex did have to hand it to whoever placed the tube of water, because it was just big enough to not be uncomfortable, unlike his cage Barb put him in. That cage was rather small and Trollex felt like he couldn't move in that thing. So he's glad that this is different.

Trollex pocked his head above the water in time to see a Troll come close to them and say, "Welcome to Bob City..." the Troll started before introducing himself as Prince Cooper. Poppy got excited while Branch looked surprised.

Though, when Poppy asked what Cooper what he was doing there, the long-necked Troll simply laughed before a different voice said, "Actually, I'm over here!" Which cause all of them to turn their heads the opposite direction, since it's where the new voice came from.

There, they all saw another Troll that looked almost exactly like the other. Poppy and Branch only seemed utterly confused, while Hickory shouted out some kind of Country slang. Well, that's what Trollex thinks it is, Trollex cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, but could you explain what's going on?" The DJ asked.

"It turns out, I'm actually from Bob City! Just like my twin brother!" The real Cooper explained, though Trollex still didn't understand since he just met the two. The other Troll, who originally introduced himself as Cooper, introduced himself again, but as Prince D.

[Ok, this might not happen in the future, but I can't continue writing until I do something to get my anger out. So I'm going to write a small bit of a scene that may or may not happen, it probably won't, but I'd still like to know your thoughts on it anyways. (This was written on May 1st)

Trollex was held by his arms, a Rock Troll holding each. The DJ watched as the very Troll that took him away from his family, his friends, and his home, came closer. The closer Queen Barb got, and angrier Trollex got.

"Ya know, it took longer than it should've to notice that our little fish got out of his tank. You even managed to take the baby guy with you!" Queen Barb paused dramatically, Trollex was shaking at this point, but not out of fear. "Your escape caused quite a set back for me ya know? But hey, I got you and all your friends now. Those other Techno Trolls were so much easier to catch than you, and that's saying something since you were passed out!"

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