Chapter 14: Freiheit

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(Last chapter of the original story, maybe? This gets a little Dark, meaning Trollex gets a little traumatized in this chapter.)
     "Trollex?" A little voice whispered in shock, said DJ almost missed it. Trollex looked around a little before spotting the source, it came from Trollzart. The poor troll looked like he was about to pass out from shock or panic.

     "They have you too? Now what-" Trollzart began, he became a mess of panicked words. It took all the other rulers, excluding Queen Poppy since she wasn't with them, to calm the poor conductor down. Trollex knows how panicking wouldn't get them anywhere, he was able to escape last time due to keeping calm enough to do something.

     There wasn't really a point in calming down Trollzart, but no one wanted to see him like that and he might've passed out if they didn't. Trollex was just glad that Trollzart wasn't going to pass out anymore, though that feeling quickly vanished when the carrier they were all in  violently stopped.

     They were already there, no one expected time to go by so fast. The rulers were taken one at a time, Trollex was the second to last one be moved while Trollzart was the last one. All the rulers, except Poppy, were placed onto  pedestals within a volcano-like place, it was rather scary.

     Everyone was on edge, not really knowing what would come next. Trollex looked at the huge crowed of Trolls in front of them, blocked off by lava. Trollex quickly spotted the Techno Trolls, he looked over practically every single one he could to check how hurt they were. He was both  relieved and emotionally hurt to see that very few were hurt and not that badly. It still hurt him seeing that the trolls he was supposed to protect were injured.

     Trollex was distracted for a short moment when Queen Barb arrived and introduced all of the rulers, leaving Queen Poppy, who was in a cage, for last. It was clear as to why, Trollex guessed that Barb decided to strongly hold onto the past. Trollex practically ignored Queen Barb while she sang, the song and music wasn't bad, but the situation and Troll singing it ruins the experience.

     Though, it wasn't until it Barb summoned a Guitar that Trollex started to become concerned and pay attention. It didn't last though, since everything afterwards happened so quickly. Trollex barley had time to figure out what happened when Queen Barb got herself into the air and shot her guitar at Mayor Delta, King Quincy, and Queen Essence.

     All Trollex saw was the leaders surrounded in a black stone and Queen Barb aiming her guitar at him. There was no time to react when she fired, and then Trollex himself was surrounded in stone. It felt like his conscience was being stripped away, like he no longer could identify who or what he was, it was like he became a husk that only knew one thing, Hard Rock. Well, he was mostly like that.

     The appearance of all the leaders had changed to match the new music they were now forced to love. To Trollex, it was like he was thrown into a whirlpool and couldn't escape, going under would seal him, escaping would free him. But he was stuck, being mostly below, but just barely above too.

     Little did anyone know apparently, not even Trollex, but he was apparently the only one who would suffer from this in the future since, he was the only one who had any sliver of mind left. Honestly, that little bit of him was terrified and it felt like he was suffering, the experience was practically suffocating, some could even say it was painful. This didn't count for Queen Poppy though, since she found a way around it that practically freed her from all of it. The other leaders had nothing to feel or experience since they were completely empty.

     Luckily for all of them, Poppy's trick of putting gumdrops in her ears, gave her the opportunity to have Barb's guitar and break it. Breaking the guitar also broke the stings, the musical strings that had belonged to each Tribe. In a small amount of time, all the color was drained from the world, leaving shades of grey.

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