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Jungkook's POV

I woke up and the first thing I noticed was the pain in my neck and lower back. I groaned and sat up, seeing the bed two meters away.

That's when I remembered what happened earlier.

I woke up early due to a nightmare.

I yawned and stood up from the cold and hard floor, trying to erase the awful experience out of my mind.

I feel like freshening up. Where's the bathroom?

I looked around the room and my eyes widened, when I saw that there was no bathroom or whatsoever.

'Jimin, are you there?' I tried to mindlink him.

After a few seconds, I got a response.

-'Yeah, I'm here. What's wrong?'

'Do you have a bathroom in your room?' I asked.

-'I'm staying in my mate's room, and no, there isn't. I'll ask him, wait a second.'

I waited patiently, tapping my foot onto the floor. After a little while, Jimin spoke up.

-'Okay, so, according to Yoongi, no one except for the Alpha has their own bathroom. There is one big 'shower room' with multiple shower heads. Everyone who wants to freshen up goes there. It's a public washroom. The girls and boys have their own halves, so you don't have to worry about that. It's just like how we had it back at our own pack house.'

My breath hitched.

'S-so you mean that everyone can see you.. N-naked?'

-'Yeah. But.. Maybe if you'd ask your mate, he's fine with you using his shower for once.'

I was silent for a moment. Honestly, after my nightmare I was scared to face him. Everything felt so real. The fear, the blood, everything. A part of it wasn't even a dream, it was reality.

I'm not going to ask him. I can't look at him right now, I can't face him.

On the other hand, tears began forming in my eyes at the memory I had. In my old pack, I was treated like a nobody and I got used to it, but there was one time I had to use the public washroom since the shower in my own room, broke. Jimin was nowhere to be found and his room was locked. Since I had no one else, I had no other choice but to go the the publical one..


I gripped onto my towel tightly, my knuckles turning white due to my anxiety. I held my breath when I opened the door to the publical washroom, and saw the feet of some other guys who were showering. Keeping my eyes on the ground, I entered and closed the door behind me.

I didn't dare to look up. I knew people were looking at me, they probably didn't expect that I, the male omega, would walk in here.

I walked over to the nearest shower head and pressed the button. The water began pouring down. I waited for the water to get the right temperature, before  removing the towel around my waist with shaky hands. I looked at the wall and hung the towel on a metal bar, a little further away so it wouldn't get wet.

I took a step forward, letting the warm water engulf my body. If it wasn't for the place, I would enjoy this. I closed my eyes and tried breathing out, but my anxiety made it difficult to take deep breaths.

I was scared. I was scared what people would think of me. What they would think of my body. I wasn't muscular like other wolves. I had an omega body, I looked weak.

I'm not even happy with my own body. I hate how I look. I hate my rank. I hate the glances people give me.

I opened my eyes when I heard a faint giggle. My eyes were glued to the ground.

"What's wrong, Mark?" Some other wolf said, presumably to the person who giggled. "It's just--Look at that. How has he even the courage to step into this room?! With that body?! If there is something wrong with his shower, they should quickly fix it. He should be embarrassed!"

  'Yes. Yes, it should get fixed soon.

    Yes. Yes, I am embarrassed.

  Yes, I know how ugly my body is.

       Yes, I know how ugly I am.'

I pressed my arm insecurely against my stomach, which was flat. There was no hint of abs or anything. I bended down as quick as I could, grabbing a shampoo bottle so I can properly wash myself.

I squeezed some shampoo onto my hand, and began to massage it into my hair. I still looked down, scared that if I'd close my eyes and rise my head, I'd accidentally look at someone else while doing so.

I could hear people talking, more like whispering, and I continued with what I was doing. I felt stares and it just made me so insecure. I wanted to be invisible. More invisible than I already was.

Suddenly, some soap got into my eye due to the fact I was looking down and I hissed. I pressed my eyes shut, since it stung. It didn't took long for some soap to get into my other eye too, when I tried to rinse it out from the other.

With my eyes closed, I turned around and tried to reach for my towel. I heard that everyone became silent and my anxiety increased even more -if that was even possible- and I managed to find my towel. I quickly rubbed it against my eyes, finally being able to open them since it didn't hurt anymore.

That's when I realized my position.

I was looking forward, I froze. I was staring directly at someone else, that person looking at me with amuzement. I was looking at a toned chest, and when I looked down, my eyes grazed over his private part.

I was already insecure about my body, but especially now.

My cheeks flared up in a deep red colour and I turned around rather a bit too quick, slipping because of the wet floor and fell onto the ground.

All eyes were on me.

It didn't took long before people began laughing and giggling, while I just sat there frozen, in an awkward position.

Tears brimmed in my eyes and I bit my lip. Their laughing increased and that's when people began shouting things.

Really, really harmful things.

I stood up carefully, ignoring the pain coming from my tailbone.

Tears now streamed down my cheeks like oceans, but no one was able to see since I stood underneath the shower.

I tied my -now wet- towel around my waist and carefully but quickly walked out of the publical washroom, trying to ignore the laughter.

I snatched my clothes that were neatly folded onto a small table with me, and ran towards a toilet stall, locking myself in it and changed my clothes after trying to dry myself with a towel that didn't absorb water anymore.

Once clothed, I sat down onto the toiletseat and wiped my eyes. I heard someone shouting that the Alpha was back, so I stood up and looked into the small mirror.

I slightly slapped myself against my cheek and forced a fake smile onto my face.

I ran out of the stall and when I saw my one and only best friend, I engulfed him into a bone crushing hug.

"You're back!" I said, my voice muffled since my face was stuffed into his chest. "Yeah! My dad just went into his office. Are you hungry? Let's go eat something!" I stepped back and nodded, a huge fake smile plastered onto my face, not leaving any soon. He smiled and grabbed my wrist, pulling me with him to the kitchen.

And I decided to never tell him about it.

          ~End of flashback~

'O-oh. It's fine, Jiminie. I'll see what I can do.' I said through the mindlink, answering him.

-'Alright. I'll see you in a little while, okay?' He said excitedly.

I nodded vaguely, remembering he can't see me, I answered with a tear sliding down my cheek.

'Of course! I'll see you in a bit.'

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