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Taehyung's POV

A few hours later, I already made up a plan to get Jungkook back. I was sitting on the couch in the main room, trying to get Jungkook's attention which failed.

My wolf felt so left out, he dispised Jimin to the point he wanted to rip his head off.

Since we're mates and my wolf wants to stay by his side at any cost during his heat, I had to watch him flirt with the Jimin guy, right in front of my eyes non-stop.

I smirked to myself, rethinking my plan and decided to start with it right here, right now.

"Jungkook, I have to do something important. I'll be back later." I stated, standing up while looking at him.

He didn't even glance at me, he just continued to laugh with his best friend.

I clicked my tongue in anger, walking past the two.

I went to search for Avery, a she wolf. She's one of the 'popular ones,' or well, that's what she thinks. She literally sleeps with everyone and anyone in the pack.

I giggled, remembering her trying to flirt with me. She literally eye-fucked me, twirling her hair around her finger and winking like she had something in her eye.


But well, I guess I could take that in my advantage right now. I only have to figure out where she is..

It'll definitely not be the same as when I was with Soohyun, that hurted him. Since I'm gay, -Avery doesn't seem to know the definition of 'gay,' as she still tries to get me with every chance she gets- I'll not touch her in any inappropriate way, I can't even think of doing that.

Jungkook knows that I'd never do that, but I can try to flirt with her when he's watching.

I walked around the corner and saw Claire, what so happens to be her friend.

I smirked and walked over to her, startling her.

"O-oh, Alpha.. Can I do anything for you?" She's less slutty than Avery, but close to it.

"Ah, yes. Do you perhaps now where Avery is?" I saw jealousy flash through her eyes, before she answered, "For as far as I know, she's in her room. She's in heat, caused by that weird omega boy that recently joined our pack."

My silver eyes brightened, my scent began to become heavier as I heard her talking about him that way.

I haven't made an announcement that Jungkook, or as they say it, 'the weird omega boy' is my mate. I'll leave it that way, until we're okay and on good terms.

Claire's eyes widened, she shivered as she smelled my scent. "S-sorry Alpha. I'll not talk about anyone again that way, A-alpha." I hummed. "Good choice. And one more thing, don't ever try to look in my eyes again."

She nodded and I walked away, heading to Claire's room. After all, her heat will only make Jungkook more jealous.

I hope..

Either this can go very well, or terribly wrong.

I knocked on her room's door, on the other side of the pack house.

"Who's there?" I heard her ask.
"The Alpha. Can I come in?" I heard some shuffling in the room, before she spoke,
"Of course Alpha! Come on in~!"

I took a breath before opening the door, the scent of her heat filling my nostrils nearly making me puke.

She was sitting on her bed, looking down while fiddling with her fingers.

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