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Taehyung's POV

I growled loudly, eyeing the open window. My wolf couldn't stand being disobeyed. I brushed my hand through my hair, thinking of what I should do to make it up to Jungkook.

Am I even able to make it up to him?

This isn't a small problem. I can only imagine how Jungkook feels right now.

'I'm only hurting him,

I've caused him so many tears,

So much pain,

And now this.

Should I leave him alone?

Should I reject him, in the hope he gets a second chance with someone else? It's very rare to happen, but he's special, so there is a possibility..

Maybe he would be happier without me..'

If I was in Jungkook's shoes, I would've ran from me too.

I walked towards the window and closed it, a cold breeze hitting my face while doing so. I stared at my reflection from the glass, my silver eyes looking at my face features.

A sad chuckle left my lips and I wiped a tear that trailed down my cheek.

'I don't deserve to cry.

I caused this, this is my fault.

Accept the consequences, Taehyung.'

I turned around and with a heavy heart I walked out of the room in the hope I'd find Jungkook. I at least want to apologize to him, face to face.

My scent became deeper, a sad aura hanging around me.

My wolf wasn't even heard, too broken of the thought that his mate would be better off without him.

I entered the main room and ignored the stares I got, after they noticed my scent.

I just stared at the ground, while walking through the corridor.

That was, until I smelled the lavender scent my wolf and I are so addicted to.

My head rose up and I was met with Jungkook standing at the other end of the hallway. He was staring at me, not sure what to do.

Before he even got a chance to leave, I ran towards him and engulfed him in a hug. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and kept on mumbling, "I'm so sorry."

'I'm so sorry, Jungkook.

I really am.

Please forgive me, for what I may do to you.

Please forgive me, if I decide to reject you, in the hope you would be happier without me.

I'm sorry.'

Jungkook's POV

I slowly came back to reality and raised my arms to hug him back.
I listened how he apologized over and over again, this somehow making me only more sad.

Constantly being reminded of that she wolf, Avery.

Constantly being reminded of the fact that I wasn't his happy Luna, carrying his pups.

She was.

Does he still consider me his Luna?

I blinked, trying to get the prickling tears out of my eyes. Taehyung backed away after a little while, to look me in my eyes.

'His silver eyes are so special and beautiful..' I thought. 'Just like him.'

I looked down to see how he grabbed my hands, warming them in his.

"Please let me explain.." He pleaded, looking back up in my eyes. I sighed but nodded, letting him drag me to his room to talk privately.

Once we arrived, he sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to him. I sat down a little further away, not failing to notice how sad his reaction was when I did so.

"Listen, Jungkook, I'm sorry. I really am. It wasn't--"

I interrupted him before he could continue.

"Don't apologize again, please. Don't say it wasn't your intention, don't say that this wasn't supposed to happen. Because after all, you knew this could happen. You were aware of the fact that there was a possibility that she could get pregnant. And you still slept with her. That was your decision, your risk."

Waiting for his reaction, I looked up at him only to find him staring at me. His eyes showed sadness, pain and regret.

"If I can't apologize, I don't know what else to say.." He said in a small voice.

I've never seen an Alpha so vulnerable. Let alone a Lycan.

I stood up, "Then I should go. I want to be alone, I want to take another suppressant." I stated, feeling how my heat became worse again. If I could've felt my wolf, I wanted to stay by Taehyung's side as close as possible. But since he is nowhere to be found at the moment, I have more control.

'One more day, Jungkook. Then your heat is over and you won't have to deal with it anymore until your next cycle.'

His eyes widened. "Oh.. Right. A-are you okay? Are you hurt? Can I do anything f--"

'Except the pain in my heart, no, it doesn't hurt that much yet..'

"N-no, I would ask Jimin if I need any help.."

He pressed his lips in a thin line, nodding once.

He was so hurt because of what I just said. It was obvious.

My eyes switched between the floor and Taehyung, before I turned around and left the room.

I turned around the corner and walked into mine. Since my door broke completely -The lock was somewhere on the floor, the door handle was nowhere to be found and a wooden chunk from the white door was laying besides the wall- I'd have to stay in someone else's room.

Maybe I could stay in Hoseok's room? He doesn't use it anymore anyway.

I gathered a few pj's and clothes, stuffing them in the suitcase I had. I zipped the sides close and suddenly realized something.

Did I really run through the pack house in my pj's?

I felt my cheeks flare up in embarrassment, and I quickly shook my head.

'Just forget about it, can't change the fact that I actually did.'

I was conflicted if I should change into a pair of random clothes or if I would just keep on the pj's I ran through the pack house with.

Whatever, I already did it once, why not just twice?

I shrugged and lifted the suitcase, mindlinking Jimin while I walked through the hallway, back downstairs.

'Jiminie, do you maybe know where Hoseok is?'

-'Um--I'm not so sure.. Wait a moment.'

A few moments later I heard him speak up again.

-'Yoongi said he saw Hoseok sitting besides the flowers, in front of the pack house a while ago. When we went back to our own rooms, he saw him there through the window. It's been a few hours, though, I don't think he's still there.'

I hummed.

'I'll go see if I can find him. Thank you.'

We broke the mindlink and I was now in the main room, about to walk to the door.

'I already look crazy to walk around in my pj's, so why not look like a psychopath going outside in them?'

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