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Narrator's POV

Once Taehyung and Avery arrived at the pack's doctor, Taehyung growled out, "SOME HELP WOULD BE NICE."

Within no time six doctors stood in front of them, glancing at Avery before looking down with respect.

"Oh, Avery. I already expected you'd come. Let's go, shall we?" Another doctor came and waved the other six off, since he was a higher rank.

"You already made an appointment here?" Taehyung glared at Avery, who nodded.

"Yes, I wanted to tell your first and then I wanted to go here for a checkup. You came along, so it's even for the better." Avery answered, glancing at the doctor who gave her a wink -remembering the deal they made together- which the Alpha didn't notice.

"Okay, let's go. Now." Taehyung said, not wanting to wait any longer. He pulled Avery with him to the room the doctor pointed to and gestured for the him to hurry up.

"Okay, Avery. So, you used a pregnancy test and it was positive?" Avery nodded, grabbing the test out of her pocket. She handed it to the doctor who nodded. "Alright. We'll take a look. Let's take a ultrasound to estimate how far you are."

The doctor looked at the Lycan, avoiding his eyes at every cost. "A-alpha, you need to go out of the room in order to do this--" Taehyung growled.


"Please, Alpha?" Avery begged with puppy eyes. "I don't feel comfortable otherwise."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Fine. I'll wait around the corner but as soon as you're done, I'll be back." The Lycan warned the doctor, walking out of the room shortly after.

He may not like Avery one bit, but he still respects her privacy.

Doctor's POV

"Okay, I'm warning you, if you don't finish your part of the deal I'll tell the Alpha everything." Avery giggled evilly. "Yeah, but that will also get you fired. Kicked out of this pack."

"I rather get kicked out of this pack telling the truth, than to stay here and watch you do such filthy things." Avery glared at him. "Watch your mouth, or do you want something to happen to your precious little son? I actually have contact with him and his mother--"

"N-no, please.. I'll continue, just don't." Avery smirked and folded her arms over each other.

Narrator's POV

The doctor that was helping Avery is a beta, all the other doctors are delta's. Even though Avery is a beta herself, she's just as strong as the doctor so she knows she is able to threaten him. And now when Avery is in contact with the Lycan, the doctor fears only more for what she can do.

"What have you planned for now?" The she wolf asked. The doctor walked over to the screen of a small computer, which shows the live photo when you take a ultrasound.

"This." He pressed a button and a picture appeared. "What am I looking at?" Avery squinted her eyes. "This is a photo of a pregnant she wolf. She's around 5 weeks in this picture."

Avery nodded, "But will he believe it?"

"I don't think the Alpha knows how to see how far you are, in a picture. He doesn't even know that you aren't this person."

Avery smiled. "Alpha, you can come in!" She shouted.

Putting on a huge fake smile, she ran towards the Lycan as soon as she saw him. Taehyung raised his brow and took a step back, but was already too late when Avery hugged him tightly.

"Alpha! I really am pregnant! Look!" She jumped up and down 'excitedly,' pointing to the small screen.

In reality, she didn't care one bit about 'the baby.' All she wanted what the title of being the pack's Luna.

Taehyung's heart hammered in his chest, his eyes filled with tears as he looked at it.

"Really?" He looked at the doctor, who nodded in approval. "Congrat--"

"SHUT UP!" Taehyung's eyes flashed a deep shade of silver, he kicked a chair on the floor, breaking it in half.

The doctor gasped, Avery backed away.

"When is she able to abort it?!" He roared out, looking like he was about to kill someone.

"W-when she's--she's 22 w-weeks.." The doctor stuttered out, scared for his life.

He's never seen an enraged Lycan, now he wishes he'll never see one angry again.

"N-no!" Avery butted in, making the Alpha glare at her. "I don't want to abort it! It's my child too!"

The Lycan took dangerous steps towards her, towering over her.

"Then I'll kill you." Avery's eyes widened, noticing that he wasn't kidding. "N-no, please.. Anything but that.." She begged, now real tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Good. Then abort it. It's either that, or the other. The choice is yours."

With that, he walked away, trying to find his mate. He felt guilty. So, so, guilty.

After all, this is his fault.

Jungkook's POV

"Thanks guys.." I hiccuped, glancing at everyone.

Everyone except Taehyung.

"Don't worry, Jungkookie! We'll always be here for you." I nodded with a small smile, trying so hard to feel my wolf.

But he was nowhere to be found.

I opened my mouth wanting to ask the guys if they know something about it, but closed my mouth when I realized that this is something between me and Taehyung.

How could the guys even know something about this? I don't even understand it myself.

"I'm going to my room.." I said, standing up. "I'm tired, I want to take a nap."

They nodded, understanding. "Alright Kooks. Take care."

I sighed and left the room, walking through the corridor as quickly as possible.

I walked in Taehyung's room to grab the suppressants and my clothes after I checked if Taehyung was here.

A tear escaped my eye when I saw the Lycan's clothes still in a circle on the bed, my nest was untouched.

I shook my head and quickly walked out of the room, going into the dusty one.

My room.

I locked the door behind me and laid down on the hard, creaky bed.

For how long will I be able to avoid Taehyung?

I'll have to face him eventually, I can't ignore him forever.

I looked down at my clothes and scrunched my nose. I'll need to shower too, but I can't use my mate's bathroom.

That means only one thing..

I'll have to use the normal one.

The one everyone goes to.

Anxiety creeping up in me, I stood up and grabbed a pair of pj's.

I took another supressant -swallowing it dry, since I had no cup of water and I was way to tired to go and get one- and laid back down on the bed, closing my eyes and falling asleep,

Trying to ignore the pain in my heart.

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