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Jimin's POV

"Do you want to nest? I can grab the few clothes I have here.." I offered, knowing Jungkook always nests whenever he's in pre-heat. He nodded. "Yes please~"

I brushed my hand through his hair and smiled. "I'll go get them. Wait a moment." I stood up and left the room, heading towards Yoongi's.

When Yoongi took me to his pack house when the war ended, I could grab a few clothes of mine. Not much, since we were in a hurry but happily enough to give Jungkook right now.

I entered the room and grabbed all of the hoodies I had, since they are the most comfortable to nest with. Having a stack of clothes in my arms, I was about to leave the room when Yoongi entered.

"What are you doing?"

Shit. What am I going to say?

"I um.." He raised his brow.

Not being able to think of a great excuse that quickly, I sighed. "Jungkook is in pre-heat. I'm trying to help him get through it. He always nests, so I'm bringing him these clothes."

I needed to tell him the truth, I can't lie to him. That would make it even worse. And he would understand me caring for Jungkook, right? I'm sure--

My thoughts got interrupted when a pained look took over his face, before it turned cold.

"Fine. Go and help him then. Just don't get too clingy, please.." He whispered the last word, looking down.

"Yoongi, you know he's like my brother. I just want to help him, you'd do the same if you were in my situation. And you know that I love you, right?" A slight blush crept up his face, and he nodded.

I walked over to him and kissed his cheek, smiling. "Thank you for understanding. I'll be back."

I sped back towards Jungkook's room, opening the door.

"Here you go." I said, handing him the clothes. He smiled and began putting them in a circle around him, then laying in it and he began rubbing himself against them. I stood at his side, my hand brushing through his hair again. "It that better?" He nodded, a small smile on his face before it disappeared and he raised his voice.

"No! Not enough, let Seokjin and Hoseok, even Namjoon bring their clothes!" He huffed.

I rubbed my forehead, sighing. Right. He also has real bad mood swings..

"Be right back.." I said, walking out of the room.

Not even 10 minutes later, Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok and I stood in his room. The three guys all had clothes with them, giving them to Jungkook who organized them neatly.

"Spoiled brat. They already love you way too much.." I murmered, Jungkook not noticing it.

I looked at the guys and Seokjin had a smile on his face like a proud mom, Hoseok wasn't paying any attention and Namjoon looked a bit lost.

"What is he doing?" Namjoon then decided to ask. Hoseok spoke up before Seokjin could even open his mouth. "He's nesting. Omega's do that when they're in pre-heat." Seokjin glared at Hoseok, who wanted to explain it to his mate.

"I see.."

"It surprises me you didn't know what he is doing?" I looked at Namjoon who shrugged. "I'm not familiar with Omega's. Seokjin is a Beta, so I never experienced this kind of situation." I hummed.

"I want cupcakes.." We heard a voice from underneath the mountain of clothes. I groaned while Seokjin jumped up and down. "Seokjin, no." Namjoon warned. "B-but.." Seokjin used puppy eyes, wanting to help the Omega.

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