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Amalia's pov:
We now are in a car that Alice has stolen for us to get towards Edward before it might be to late.
„Bella, you need to run! See that clocktower up there, that's where he is going to be. We are going after you since he would only think we would lie to him."  Alice instructs Bella who immediately runs towards where Alice has pointed to.
„I am really sorry that you had to come here again." Alice sincerely apologizes to me before she parks the car a bit further away to the tower she has made bella run to.
„Don't worry about it. Just promise to not leave her again, she wouldn't survive to go through that." I answer her before getting out of the car myself. Alice still keeps on looking towards me as if still trying to figure something out. Maybe she has seen the same visions as me? Well, in that case she would at least know that they would make it out alive. I already had played through pretty much every scenario but so far, I always got Aro to let them leave unharmed.
„We wouldn't want to make a scene when there is a festival going on out there." Alice happily says while booming through the heavy doors from the tower. Edward has bella pulled tightly into himself, slowly caressing her back as if making sure that she really is here. Or to calm her down, who knows.
„We wouldn't, that's why Aro wants to see you." one of the volturi guards says, another one of them standing right next to him, even way bulkier than Emmet.
„Bella why don't you and your sister go out to enjoy yourselves while we talk to them." Edward tells her while slightly pushing her and me towards the closed door.
„The humans are coming as well." the bulkier one says with a smirk. Trying not to roll my eyes at him eyeing me up with hungry eyes. Alice and Edward quickly pull bella and myself behind them with a small growl.
„Aro sent me to see what's taking you so long." a feminine voice comes from the shadows, her heels clicking on the concrete. My heart immediately starts to beat faster after nearly stopping to beat all together. Feeling like crying all over again, but I know that now is not the time. So I only try to make myself as small as humanly possibly so she wouldn't see me. I at least could hope!
„Jane." edward says with slight defeat in his voice. Seemingly knowing that there won't be a choice other than following along with their wishes. We walk through a lot of alleyways and hide in the dark before we knock on an old looking door. When said door opens we all where ushered in before it falls shut behind us once again. The elevator in here doesn't look like it belongs here all together but whatever they may fancy. We all enter the elevator the creepy smirking one right behind me. Just my luck! He leans in and sniffs at my neck before licking his lips in delight. Alice immediately pushes me between herself and Edward with a meaningful growl towards that guy.
„That's enough Demetri!" Edwards growls towards him just as the elevator stops again. With a heavy sigh i get out of there, making sure to keep up to where we were going. When we get towards a waiting room where a pretty secretary is sitting bella asks Edward if she is human. And after the answer was given by no other but the volturi guards themselves, she had shuddered in fright. So like the good sister that I always try to be I lay an arm on her shoulder and send her a small wave of calmness. Edward quickly looks at me with wonder but doesn't open his mouth after he sees me shake my head. He is going to find out later on, but for now I want to keep my gifts hidden where they are safe.
The heavy doors get pulled open and we enter a huge room that has three humongous thrones right in front of us. There where three vampires sitting on them. Aro in the middle, Marcus to the left and Caius to the right.
„Sister! They send you for one and you get two and a half!?" Alec's voice happily says when he welcomes his sister back. Another sting shots through my chest but for now I need to stay strong. I can't break down in front of them again, at least not before I get my sister and the two cullans to safety!
Edward and Alice quickly realize that they haven't noticed me, so they discreetly hide me behind their backs. However not before sending me another irritated look.
„Ah!! I see our dear bella isn't dead after all! What a delightful news! I love happy endings, especially since they are so rare." Aro happily says just like I had seen him do in my vision when we were driving in the car. He expectedly reaches out his right hand and Edward starts to step closer before putting his hand in Aros with a small frown. I quickly block all Edward's memories with me in it, not wanting Aro to find out like that.
„How intriguing, her blood sings so wonderfully to you, it makes even me thirsty for her as well! How do you can stand this close to her without losing control?" Aro says with a smirk while the other two Kings watch bored out of their mind.
„It's hard to." Edward answers before making his way back towards us with a curious look.
„Bella, might I try if I am more lucky to see your thoughts?" Aro says with an outstretched hand. Bella only looks confused at the two cullens.
„Aro has the gift to see your whole past with one touch." Edward informs Bella before nodding at her to go along. So like I did before I hid myself in all her memories and thoughts just like I had done with Edward prior.
„Hmm, Nothing. What a surprise. I wonder if you are immun to all of our powers." aro muses.
„Jane dear, would you please." he says with a small wave towards Bella. Edward hurriedly shoves Bella away before janes eyes could land on her. Instead of Bella, Edward is now on the ground grunting from the immens pain he is feeling right now. And I do have to hand it to my sister who begs them to stop and let her take his place.
„Jane!" aro only commands once again. But again like in my vision Janes's power isn't working on my sister.
„That's amazing!" aro once again claps happily like a little child.
„How sad that you have no Intention on turning her." he says towards Edwards who now has pushed bella back towards me.
„Brother, you already made up your mind. Heidi is going to be back any minute now." caius says bored from this whole situation.
„Felix." aro says and just like that, the one guard from before charges towards Bella. I quickly push her out of the way and Edward instead starts to fight. I quickly send Alice the same way as I pushed bella so she would get that she has to protect her and not me!
„Ah! What a surprise!" aro says with a wide smile when he finally sees me.
„Guess there was someone hiding!" he adds giddily which makes him seem a bit creepy. I hear a few indrawn breaths and I immediately know from who they where coming from.
„Bella will be one of them in two months, that being said I am the only human that you need to get reed off." I tell him matter of factly. The room had fallen quiet after my declaration, instead everyone is now looking at me.
Sighing, well let's hope everything ends the way I had seen it.

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