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Alec's pov:
The second I have seen her, smelled her in the throne room I was only seconds away from bouncing at her. But she doesn't even spare a glance towards me nor my sister. I do have to admit that we hurt her deeply but we wanted to make sure she is safe. Volterra never was safe for a human and possible never will become safe. We should of claimed her as our mate, should of turned her into a vampire just like we are. Instead we told her she should get moving since we had enough fun with her. I even told her that she was an entertaining play toy for the time being but we had found another one, a better one. Of course that only was a lie! There never will be anyone even close to as perfect as she is. I have seen her whole world grumbling back than, still I was sure that we were doing the right think. But now, seeing her standing with the cullans, hiding behind them, depending on their protection even thought we should be the one to protect her! We should be the one she would run to for everything! When I see Demetri running full force towards my beloved mate I quickly give him a dose of my poison to make him drop right in front of her. I feel all eyes on me, especially when I quickly put myself in between my masters and my mate. My twin sister right next to me, ready to protect our mate with whatever it may takes!!
When Marcus gives Aro his hand I know that he must of seen our bond to Amalia. Even thinking her name makes me happy!

I was right about to show our mate to her new room, well her room till we find a bigger one to stay there all together! That was however when our mate stood rooted to the floor while reaching her hand towards Aro with a pleading and nearly panicked look in her eyes.
When they want us to leave the room, I seriously was considering using my gift so I can steal my precious mate away from everyone and have her to myself and my sister. She also keeps on eyeing them as if contemplating the same as i. Aro once again orders us to leave the room and after thinking this through i leave with my sister in tow who looks to be as deviated like I am. Before going through the door I turn once again back to my beautiful mate with desperation and love, but she looks away quickly. But I have seen the broken look in her eyes, the tears that were only seconds away from falling down her beautiful face. The worst part of it all is, the knowledge that it was me and my sister that hurt her that much! And I honestly don't know if she will ever be able to forgive us. Feeling like my unbeating heart once again stopped beating at that possibility alone.
I have no idea how long we were standing in front of this door before it got opened once again. Demetri looks at us in apology before getting us back in. To my utter shock my little mate, my princess is laying curled up on Marcus thrown while said king looks at her with a fatherly expression on his normally disinterested face!
„I do have to say that I am really disappointed at how you were treating your mate. I have trained and raised you better than that! How dare you throw her away like some old tissue!" Aro tells us with a glare that could freeze hell!
„We are deeply sorry for that master. We thought it would be better for our mate to leave Volterra since we deemed it not safe for a human. She still was only fourteen years old." Jane answers him her eyes also laying on our beloved mate. We may had made sure that she would leave back to her old live, that still doesn't change that it hurt us like nothing ever before. And still to this day we were always thinking about our littler princess, our love!
„I do hope that you can fix your relationship back up, she loves you dearly but she also is deeply hurt by what you have told her." Marcus tells us, caressing our mate with a soft smile on his face. Caius also stands beside our mate with a soft look which is certainly uncommon for him since he normally only would scowl at everyone.
„Take her to her room and make sure you tell her why you did what you did. I am afraid otherwise she might commit Suizide since the pain from being away from her mates is to much for her mind, body and soul. It honestly is a wonder she had lasted this long! Four years is nearly impossible for a human to handle." Aro says and I feel my heart sink and break for what my little princess had to go through because of our mistake! Looking at Jane I see her eyes welled up with tears at hearing this heartbreaking news. But I swear to everything and everyone that I am going to make this right again! I am going to show her how much we love her and how we only wanted to protect her from the cruelty of our world!
„Don't worry my love, my princess, I am going to make things right! And I am going to show you how much you mean to us!" I tell her sleeping form before softly and carefully picking her up to bring her towards her room instead. Jane and I decided to let her stay in her clothes since we don't want her to panic to who might have undressed her. We curled ourselves around her, with me from the back and Jane form the front. Her soft scent immediately fills my head and calms me down right away.
„Don't you worry my love, my brother and I will show you how much we love you, how much you mean to us!" Jane tells her, softly caressing her cheek.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin