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Alec's pov:
We slowly make our way to my princess room. I do feel really happy that she has decided to let us change her into a vampire. That way we can spend all eternity together!!! But I am afraid that we might lose ourselves and drink her dry. That's my worst fear! Jane also looks a bit worried, but since we do want her to stay with us forever, there won't be any way around turning her! It does relieve me slightly that Master Marcus along with Demetri will stay close to interfere if we do lose control.
„Are you really sure princess? There won't be a way back!" I ask her once again. Needing her to be absolutely sure since I don't want for her to be sad afterwards that he hasn't thought about it longer. I honestly am terrified that she will hate us afterwards! Newborns cant control their hunger and are going to kill everyone, and as much as I know my princess she will hate herself for doing that and us for letting her.
„Alec, please look at me." she says softly and waits till I am fully facing her before going on.
„I didn't just decide it without thinking this through. I had time enough to make my choice. And it's an easy choice from my point of few! I want to live with you and Jane together, forever! So there is no way around me turning into a vampire. I also know that you and your sister will do everything to make it as easy as possible for me. So please don't try to talk me out of it, because i did make my choice already. And if you really don't want to be the one changing me, than that's ok too. It can be just Jane as well, and if she also isn't sure maybe Marcus or Demetri could do it instead. The only thing I am asking from you two is to be there for me afterwards." she explains us earnestly.
„I just wanted to make sure you are absolutely sure! No need to ask someone else, i am in. Fully in!" i answer her. Now feeling a hell of a lot better that i know she thought this through and it's not just a spur of the moment.
„You Should lay down, the pain is going to start pretty quickly. Just try to fall asleep and don't fight against it, otherwise the pain will get even worse." Jane says her with a troubled voice. She as well as me don't like the idea of our princess to be in any pain! Especially since we know how bad this is going to hurt!
„We will be staying here, just in case. See you when you wake back up sweetheart!" master Marcus softly tells her, kissing her forehead in encouragement.
„I will be here when you wake back up. And just as Jane said, try to fall asleep. Believe me it would be way easier for you!" Demetri worriedly tells her, softly caressing her cheek. At first I wasn't to keen on how close those two have become, but now I am happy that they have found each other as well.
„Kiss." my princess tells me with puckered lips and who am I to not give her what she requests!? Kissing her with all the love I feel for her, needing her to know how much she means to me. When I pull away Jane quickly mimickes my prior kiss.
„Ok, i am ready. Where would it be best?" my princess asks after laying down on her bed with a small encouraging smile on her slightly kiss swollen lips.
„Neck would be the quickest since the venom would be right by your heart." Master Marcus informs us all. I can see that he is worried for his daughter, but he also understands and wants to support her decision.
Jane and I slowly lean closer towards her neck and right at the same time we bite into it. I try to ignore her sweet and addicting taste and instead quickly release my venom! Afterwards pulling back right away, way to afraid otherwise I might lose my control. When I look up I see Jane also pulling back even if it is hard to resist.
„You two did good! Very good!" Master Marcus tells us proudly.
„You May want to lay beside her or hold her hand." Demetri says with a look of sorrow when he sees the pained eyes of my princess. So we take a seat right next to her, to hold her hands and try to be there for her. When her eyes open up again, the pain is completely gone. It's replaced with relief and a thankful smile.
„thank you." she mumbles and then her blue eyes slowly close.
„Wow! I have never seen anyone this calm after the venom started to spread in their body!" Master Marcus mutters in astonishment. And the rest of us had to agree. Even now Amalia lays here in her bed as if she was calmly asleep when everyone else would be writhing around in pain right now. How comes that she isn't? Maybe it's not painful for her? That would be completely unheard off, but I would be absolutely ecstatic if that would be the case. Her heartbeat has quickened right away, spreading our venom around in her whole body till it will stop to beat all together. To my surprise her smell hasn't changed at all, even though normally it would. Maybe it will later on, or it would stay the same. I would honestly like that since I love her smell. It's so sweet and represents her personality perfectly!
We now are waiting for one hour, so we at least have another 47 hours to go.
„If you would like, you could leave. We promise to get you as soon as anything changes." I tell the other two, but they only shake their head and instead take a seat on the bed end.
Another hour has passed when there was a knock on the door. To my slight surprise Master aro along with master caius enter the room right after knocking. They look shocked at my still calmly sleeping princess.
„Did you guys postpone?" Master aro asks us with a small frown.
„We didn't. Right after we had bitten her she thanked us and fell into a calm sleep. We haven't seen anything like that ever before." Jane explains him. He looked a bit taken aback before his smile gets bigger and bigger.
„Never did I, but she is quit a bit different than anything I ever saw in my life. And I do have to say that I am relieved she doesn't have to go through that tremendous pain like we all had to." Master aro tells us, Master caius nodding his head in agreement.
„Would you please inform us if there should change anything or she wakes up. I am afraid we are needed back in the throne room but we also wanted to see how our niece is doing." master caius asks, softly caressing my princess calm face.
„we will Brothers! Thank you for dealing with everything on your own so we can watch over my daughter." Master Marcus answers them in thanks. After another few words exchanged between our three masters, the two left once again. Leaving the four of us back with the task of watching over janes and i's beloved mate!

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now