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Amalias pov:
Since one month I am a vampire, and let me tell you how amazing it is. Since the day I have woken up I feel so much more alive and happy it is really incredible. Every single moment I have my mates around me, and our sexy times have gotten even more passionate now, since now they don't have to hold back any longer. They always were afraid they might hurt me, but now there is no need to hold back anymore. And I absolutely love it!! Demetri and i have discussed our idea with my mates and the Kings. To our surprise they all were right on board intrigued with the discovery we had made. It also only took us one day to figure out what made my pain vanish. Like I had thought demetri was the one. Alec has said that Demetri not once stopped holding my feet after they had bitten me not even after I fell asleep, so we figured it was his touch that helped. Since Janes power wasn't working on me, Felix offered his help. So as soon as he had fallen down at the floor in pain Demetri touches his shoulder and the pain stopped right away. Demetri at first didn't belief us that it really was his doing, since he never had any knowledge of this power. But after we tried it again and again, of course we switched Felix position a few times, not wanting anyone to go through the pain this often, he did slowly believed us. Aro was especially happy with this new discovery of the knew gift in his guard. Afterwards he wanted to know how we even thought of it. so we told him how i remembered how the pain vanished as he had locked eyes with me. He thought that I maybe have the gift of seeing others potential, but I don't think so.
As this morning my phone rang I was a bit irritated since the cullans and my sister usually always call around noon. So I quickly pick up, afraid something might has happened with either of them.
„Bella! Is everything ok?" I ask her, feeling the panic slowly getting more and more.
„Calm down Amalia, everything is good! I just wanted to tell you right away!!" bella says and I hear her happiness which immediately calms me down again. My mates were sitting next to me, their arms caressing my naked body.
„Tell me what!!" i ask excitedly.
„Edward asked me to marry him and I said yes!" she nearly shouts through the phone! My whole body shoots up at the news. A wide smile spreads over my face and a giggle leaves my lips.
„I call you right back!" I tell her before sprinting to my wardrobe. Grabbing some skinny jeans and a sparkly top that Jane has bought me a few days ago.
„Where do you think you are going?" Alec questions me when I exit the wardrobe to pull on some sneakers, a small bag already thrown over my shoulder.
„Bella just called to tell me she is getting married. I am going to visit her, don't worry I will be back this evening!" i answer him. Kissing him passionately before kissing Jane just as passionately.
„Please tell the rest i am sorry but I really need to congratulate them properly. I also haven't seen my sister for a long time." I tell them with a small frown. Of course they immediately hug me and even tell me to go ahead but to please be careful. Agreeing with them right away, before kissing them once more and then I think myself right to my sister!
„Bella!!!!" i scream running into their huge home. Screeching was heard and then I have my hyper sister in my arms!
„You are getting married!" I happily tell her spinning us around while we both giggle happily!
„I know! I thought you were pissed when you ended that phone call so suddenly!" she says with a sad frown. Quickly pulling her into a tight hug.
„I just needed to get dressed and tell my mates that I am coming to visit you today! Wanted to congratulate you in person! I am just so happy for you!!!" I tell her kissing her forehead a few times.
„Well, look who is here to visit!" emmet says from behind me.
„Teddy bear!!!" i nearly scream and throw myself at him. Since he wasn't expecting my assault he tumbles backwards before we both land on the floor. Well, me on top of him but who cares.
„Sorry!" i say in between giggles. His deep chuckles makes his whole body vibrate which makes me giggle even more because it's tickling me.
„Darling! Oh my, why haven't you told me you were coming!?" mum asks me with tears in her eyes.
„Mum! I missed you!" I tell her, feeling slightly overwhelmed with all my emotions. That however quickly changes when a warm feeling spreads through my body.
„Thank you jasper, I really needed that!" I thank the quiet vampire leaning on the entryway.
„No problem little sister!" he answers before hugging me softly.
„It's nice to be able to hug you without fearing that I might lose control!" he says relieved.
„thank you. Even though in Italy the most vampires are confused since I pretty much still smell the same as before I got changed." I tell him which of course makes him immediately smell me once again. A surprised frown instantly comes over his features.
„You are right! I never heard of someone smelling the same as before!" he says confused.
„Anyway! I am here to congratulate my sister and future brother in law!" I say with a happy smile.
„That Would be me than!" edward says from Bella's side.
„Congratulations Edward! You really made a good choice by picking my sister!! But I swear if you ever hurt my sister you get to know me a bit better than you would of ever liked to!!" I say before threatening him a bit. He seems to immediately get what I mean since he agrees right away that he will never hurt her ever again. Happy with his answer I smile before hugging both of them.
„What did dad say to your engagement?" I ask them. Knowing dad never was the biggest fan of Edward.
„We haven't told him yet. Bella was pretty adamant of telling you first." Edward informs me with a soft smile towards my sister.
„I am honored!" I say softly, again hugging Bella tightly. Happy to finally be close to her again!

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