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Amalia's pov:
The twins have brought me back to my room after we had spent the whole afternoon in the garden together.
„We will pick you up in an hour and a half. Can't wait to see you later princess." alec says, his hand softly caressing my arm up and down, making goosebumps appear on my whole body.
„How should I dress?" I ask, since till now they haven't told me where they are taking me to.
„In whatever you feel comfortable in. I am positive you will look stunning in everything!" Jane reply's. Her hand softly playing with the strap of my dress, so she could feel the strap from my bra underneath. When they had noticed that one of my straps had fallen down from my shoulder earlier in the garden, they right away came to the conclusion on what underwear I must be wearing. Jane just instantly became obsessed with how the silk feels in contrast with my body. She had been telling me how much she loves that material on me. Alec on the other end had been whispering dirty words into my ear, clarifying how the silk must feel so smooth on my most sensitive areas. I swear those two are going to become the death of me. So before they could get me all riled up yet again, I send them away to get myself ready for our first official date. Butterflies erupt in my stomach with the thought of that date, feeling extremely giddy to find out what they have planned.
Once again I enter the dressing room to look for something that would be good for whatever they had in store for me. A black bodycon dress makes me smile mischievously! Oh, they have been teasing me this whole afternoon and let's not forget our make out session in the morning! It's time to tease them right back!! A small voice in my head makes me stop though, that can quickly backfire. Hmm, no Risk no fun! I decided and take the dress off of the hook. Smiling even brighter when I feel it's made off pure silk! Yeah, I definitely am going to have some fun with those two! Going over to the huge drawer where I had found the lingeries before, only now realizing that there are two more drawers there. With a small shrug I open the last one to see socks and tights. Then the second one and I honestly had to stop myself from blushing at my own discovery. I thought the lingeries in the first drawer where sexy, revealing even, but those where just screaming sex!! These where obvious bedroom lingeries. One set somehow is speaking out to me. It's a mix of silk and lace! The bra also only has fabric on the most essential places, otherwise there are only strings. Maybe I should try this? Picking it up, i notice that on the bottom is the word princess stitched to the front. Yeah. I definitely should at least try those on! With my outfit picked, I make my way towards the enormous bathroom. Right in the middle is a huge bathtub where at least five people would fit in. The whole wall in the back is the shower! I seriously could throw a party in there, that's just how unbelievable big it is. But now is not the time to dwell any longer, I need to get ready for my date with those gorgeous mates of mine! Hopping into the shower I let the warm water quickly washing all the stress away from me. After standing under the spray for quit some time I grab for the shampoo bottle before washing my waist long blond hair. afterwards rinsing our all the bubbles before repeating the process with the conditioner. When I finally deemed myself completely clean, I step out of the shower and pull a towel around my body. Another towel gets wrapped around my hair, to help with drying them down. After towel drying my body I put some sweet smelling lotion all over myself. Can't go out on a date without taking proper care of your body, now can you? I certainly can't! Slowly I put on the underwear, and I have to say that I am shocked at how much I love the feeling of them on me. They also look good on me, guess Jane is going to go shopping for me from now on! When I pull the dress over my head, I suddenly become unsure if I really should wear something this sexy to our first date. Well, I already made that decision so no backing out again. When I am fully clothed and my hair dry, thanks to my ability to call forward the wind, I decide to put on some makeup. To my luck I also got provided with every makeup item there is in various colors. Since I don't like the feeling of being completely coated with foundation I skip that step and instead only put on some mascara and some light eye make up. After studying myself for a bit, I again reach for the drawer to pull out a blood red lipstick. Quickly but still carefully I put the lipstick on as well. That looks better, more complete than without any color on my lips. Taking the small handbag I put in the lipstick along with my phone and my wallet. Just than there is a knock on my door, guess I got finished right on time.
When I open the door the twins look at me with wide eyes before it turns into a look of pure desire and lust.
„I hope I am dressed to your liking. Because I do have to say you look splendid!" I tell them. Eying the clothes that make my mates look even more sexier than they already are!
„Wow! Maybe we should skip the dinner and jump forward to dessert!" alec says with hungry eyes. Giggling happy that I did throw them off a bit! Well, payback is a bitch!
„I am afraid I am to hungry for that. So why don't we get going?" I say with a pleased smile on my face.
„Don't worry Brother, after we feed our love we have time enough for dessert!" Jane tells her brother and I shudder at the promise in her voice.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now