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Amalias pov:
It has been two days since I last have seen my mates. I miss them so terribly it is unbelievable!! Marcus along with his brothers are really worried for me since I started to isolate myself more and more. That's why they have given Demetri the task of spending time with me. And I do have to say that I am more than just thankful for that!! With Demetri around I at least am not in too much pain.
„Can I ask you something?" I ask him in a whisper, not wanting to destroy the calmness that has fallen over his room.
„Sure! Just ask away!" he answers just as quietly.
„Do you know When they are coming back? Or if it is dangerous wherever they have gone to?" I ask. Still a bit irritated that no one has told me where their mission is, but Marcus has explained that the just want to stop me from going there.
„I suppose tonight. At least that's what Master aro has said. And as far as for the danger, i am sure that those two can look after themselves just fine! So no need to worry monkey." he says and softly kisses my forehead. I am relieved that they are coming back tonight! But I still am pretty angry at them. Why you may want to know? Well, because my mates, till to this day, haven't called or texted me once! I am an emotional wrack! In one second I am completely pissed at them only to be terribly hurt by their lack of communication. And if I am not feeling one of those two emotions, than I am completely devastated and sad. So I guess it's no wonder everyone is worried about me by now.
„Do you really want to stay here? Maybe you should go to your guys room to welcome them back!" he tries to convince me off it, but no! I definitely won't be waiting for them like a damn dog!!
„They didn't care enough to tell me they went out, no text no nothing since two days! So why should I care enough to welcome them back?" I ask him in return. Hearing him sigh softly, I know I won that argument. Demetri Honestly was the only one that kept me sane through the last few days. Of course Marcus and the others tried as well, but Demetri knows my deepest secrets. Therefore it's easier to talk with him. But I do have to say that they still stop by often to look how I am doing, never giving up on cheering me up.
„Maybe I should right a will?" he says after a long silence. Looking at him with furrowed brows. Why would he need a will?!
„I am not to sure your mates will keep me alive after smelling you in this room, cuddled up to me and all." he explains with a smirk but I hear the honesty within his words. Sighing deeply, maybe I should go? I don't want for him to get hurt! Especially not because of me!
„I can go if you think it would be better." I tell him, unsure but determined to do whatever he says I should be doing. He quickly shakes his head at me.
„No! That's not what I meant! I also know why you don't be waiting for them on your own and it's understandable!" he says.
„Just be ready to stop them from killing me!" he adds with a wink of his eyes. A small giggle leaves my lips, it feels foreign to giggle after so long. Demetris face literally splits in two by how big he is smiling at me.
„There's the sound I have been missing for the last days!!" he says cheerfully. Feeling my lips slowly turning into a smile as well, it does feel good to smile again!
„Thank you! I know I wasn't the best company the last days. So thank you for still staying with me!" I thank him once again. He doesn't answer though, only kisses my forehead again and pulling me even closer into his side.
A sudden commotion was heard from the hallway, however already knowing who it is, i decided to stay put. The door gets thrown open and my two furious looking mates stand in the doorway.
„Why is our mate in your bed!?" Alec growls out towards Demetri. And I do have to hand it to him, he doesn't even flinch!! Instead he just kisses my forehead again, much to their annoyance.
„Fingers and lips away from OUR mate!!" Jane growls out threateningly. Having enough of them I turn towards them, but before I could open my mouth, Demetri is lecturing them already.
„So now I am the bad guy again?" he asks them tauntingly.
„The last few days I was good enough to hold your devasted mate and be there for her. And now you come back and act all Hero again?" he goes on. Seeing their confused faces that slowly change into one of worry and realization.
„You didn't even texted her that you were leaving! Neither did you call! How much more are you going to put your mate through!?" he says with so much hatred towards them. Guess his worry for me has brought him to his breaking point as well.
„We...we didn't." Alec starts but he quickly gets stopped from Demetri once again.
„No! you obviously weren't thinking!! And instead of coming back and trying to make it up again or apology's to your mate, MY sister!!! You have the audacity of making me the bad guy! Again!!" he shouts out pissed. Not wanting for him to be this angry, i send him a wave of calmness through my touch. It really means a lot to me that he defends me this much. But I still don't want for him to get in trouble for that.
„We are Sorry. We haven't thought this through." Alec says in apology. I can feel both their eyes on me, but I don't look at them. They have hurt me so much again, and I don't know how much more I can take. Every time I have accepted their apology but I don't think I can keep doing that any longer. Till now it only kept on hurting me more and more, so maybe I should end this before it gets even worse. Two loud pained cry's fill the room, both Alec and Jane are now on all fours on the ground.
„Princess? Please we are sorry! We promise we won't ever be this stupid again!" Alec says, his red eyes now rimmed with tears just like janes. It hurts to see them like this, it really does! But the last few days had hurt even more. They again scream out in pain, I don't understand. No one is hurting them! So why are they wailing out like that.
„Love, you need to stop thinking like that. You are Breaking our mate bond." Jane whimpers out, crawling closer towards the bed I am currently in. What does she mean by that? I don't do anything!! Is this a trick? Are they trying to trick me back into forgiving them? This whole thing is so confusing.
„Amalia. She is right!" Demetri tells me softly. He definitely has seen my confused look, otherwise I can't explain from where he must of known my question.
„I don't do anything though." I mumble irritated.
„You are thinking about leaving us. About not giving us another chance and it is breaking our bond. Princess please! I am begging you!" Alec whimpers out, now also kneeling next to the bed. Both of them have their hands hold out towards me, but I don't know. I don't know what to do! I look at Demetri, hoping he will be able to help me. To please tell me what I should do. He seems to understand, since he softly nods at me to take their hands in mine. So I slowly lay my hand on top of theirs.
„We Love you Princess! We really deeply love you!!" Alec tells me.  Taking a few deep breaths, thinking of returning them that I love them too or not. They definitely don't deserve it, but I am not cruel and I don't want to lie!
„I love you guys too." I whisper out. My hand gets squeezed by theirs and their eyes shine in thankfulness and love.
„But this is the last time I will give you another chance. If you hurt me again I won't accept another apology. I can't!" I tell them, hoping they understand that I really mean it.

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