39: Mum💘

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"I had a dream

I got everything I wanted

But when I wake up, I see

You with me."

-Billie Eilish.
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I walked into the stuffy little living room where my mother sat with a rigidness in her spine, a disdainfully condescending look in her eyes. She sat uneasily on the couch, as if she was afraid she'd catch a disease from it.

In many ways, I looked like my mum.

Average height, skinny, brown skin that wasn't really dark and wasn't light either, somewhere in between. The same perfect poise in our spine that wouldn't allow us to slouch or relax. A mistrustful, almost mysterious look in our eyes that stopped a lot of people from approaching or trusting us.

She was gazing disgustedly at the glass of water placed in front of her on the wobbly stool and the chipped ceramic plate that held crackers biscuit beside it.

"Mum," I said evenly, walking into the room.

There was a relieved look in her eyes, which she easily masked, as if a lot was riding on me deciding to show up or not and she didn't want me to know that.

She studied me for a while, dark reddish brown eyes, squinting at me. "You've changed." She noted. There was a small smile on her very red lips. A smile she didn't try to hide. "You met someone."

I choked. "How do you know?"

She waved a hand dismissively. "I've been young and foolish once too, Asa. That's what young love does to you. Suddenly, you're happier and glowing and this world seems like a better place to live in."

"All types of love, whether old or young should make you feel like that, mum."

She considered me cooly, clasping her perfectly manicured nails together. "There's no such thing as love, Asa. There's only mutual coherence. You both want something from each other and you're both willing to give your love at the price of your lover's love. It's a give and take affair. I give you, you give me. It's business really."

I took a shaky breath. "What do you want, mum."

"Straight down to business? No heartfelt greetings for your own mother?"

"I have a lot of things to do." I replied through gritted teeth. I don't have time for 'heartfelt' greetings."

Being around my mother was like being around Kam.

They both muddled my senses, twisting my sanity until I didn't know how to act or coordinate my actions anymore.

But what I felt for Kam was light and pleasant, making me want to dwell in his sanity-twisting halo forever.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆 | 1Where stories live. Discover now