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Special thanks to:  Teemonera , Benny-D  chisom_dili Kivaonyi and bellasilver11 ekpikaperePricelessMasson_
louie609 (my bffffff for fucking-ever!!) And Stephy267😘), you know I love you all, right? You're all the reasons why i didn't give up as a new writer even when i wasn't getting any reads and votes. You found me when i was still stumbling around blindly as a new writer and stuck by me till now... So thank you.❤️

All my love and thanks go to each and every one of you that have ever read, voted, commented and even gone the longer mile to share, advertise and follow. As long as your name appeared in my feed, just know that i saw you, I know you and i cherish you. You were the motivation i needed to keep going and i thank you for that.💖

From someone who has actually been a ghost reader here for four years, take it from me when i say I know what it feels like to want to read uninterrupted. To my silent readers who quietly root for the characters and the story, i am honoured to write for you. It is a very huge priviledge to have people like my work, quietly or not, and that's every author's dream... To have their work enjoyed and appreciated. Thank you for reading. Thank you for giving me a chance. And for not giving up on me. I love you and i thank you. Please believe me when I say this because I'm very grateful.💓

Each and every one of you are special to me and close to my big fucking heart. I love you all to tiny little pieces!💖

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