Chapter 9 - the royal academy of kou

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Anastasia spent the rest of the month before school with Aunt Marilyn, Uncle Alex, Leonard, Melissa, Kieran and Jamison. She had learnt a lot about their previous lives and situations- such as how they had all pursued some form of music: Kieran taking up dance, Leo taking up producing, Melissa and Jamie enjoying to sing. Anastasia listened to these stories, remembering her own life: she had produced songs with friends and went to a dance studio in her free time, occasionally joining in to go to group karaoke sessions. She had learnt that Aunt Marilyn was a very sweet and loving mother, but with her knowledge from Korea she had a very shrewd and analytical mind. And she had also learnt that, this world's level of education was far behind Korea's education system.

Uncle Alexander was a king, and he had the courageous and bold personality expected of such a man. He was a natural leader. However, his one weakness was his wife. When with Aunt Marilyn, he was tamed and soft. He would act silly around her and the rest of the children the pair had claimed as their own.

Leonard was the base of jokes in their group-  the 3rd oldest after Kieran and Melissa, though all of them were the same age. He had the personality of a class clown but was kind, hardworking and smarter than he looked. Throughout the one month course, he had become very close to Anastasia and the two were quick to become best friends.

Then there was Kieran, he was the oldest of their group. He's a bit of a free spirit: loud, noisy and a pair with Leonard- both of them making jokes that would make the whole group burst out in laughter. He was Melissa's fiancée, which was fairly unusual in Kou but not too much. Unlike Ainsworth, Kou's noble children were not be engaged at young ages like Anastasia once was. But he was very happy with Melissa and the two were in love. He always treated her well and made sure she had what was best. Melissa was Anastasia's only girl friend at the moment, and the two were very close. Melissa was the only person who could control Kieran as despite being the quiet and cool character she was, she would often deal with Kieran and Leo harshly, as a joke of course. Melissa would treat Anastasia as her younger sister or child, holding the title of 'Mother' in their group, while Kieran held the title of 'Father' of their group.

Then there was Jamison. Jamie. Surprisingly enough, Jamie and Anastasia shared a birthday. The two were months apart from the others and were always treated as 'babies' of the group despite being the same age as the others. Jamison had a quiet personality, rarely bursting into laughter and rather sharing small smiles and light giggles. He would often hide behind his lavender coloured hair, but was bold enough to be speaking out when necessary. Unlike how loud she was with Kieran and Leo, Anastasia tended to be calmer when with Melissa and Jamison.

The five of them were very close at this point. Over the month, Anastasia woke up everyday with more in-depth memories of her past life. She had remembered the way she would style her hair and the way she would wake up and go on early morning runs- she missed these small things. The first thing she aimed to do was change herself, going from Antoinette to Jieun. Just a few days before school was to start, she worked along side with Aunt Marilyn to create black hair dye, effectively dying and cutting her hair where it fell limp, just above shoulder length, just as her Jieun had her own hair. The colour would attract attention, there only being brightly coloured hair in this world, but that didn't matter- it was part of who she was. When she had first asked the hairdresser, they were slightly reluctant to cut her hair, as in this world, hair at waist length was seen as most elegant- but Anastasia didn't care, she would be and do what she wanted to be and do.

It was now the day before school, where all the students would move into their dorms. She looked out at all the dormitory and smiled at the thought of her own room. The dormitory was split between boys and girls, two apartments splitting them. The two apartments were slightly bigger than the rest as they belonged to the head girl and head boy of the school year. Anastasia entered her apartment room, looking around. The rooms were averagely sized, with a bedroom, living room, bathroom and a kitchen. There were few apartments with kitchens in them since there was a breakfast, lunch, dinner service but on weekends some students in Kou liked to make their own food.

Inside her room lay all the luggage she had left in the reception on her first day in Kou. She emptied clothes into wardrobes and set about the things she had bought in her free one month. After unpacking and lazing about for a bit, she met up with her friends and they wandered about the academy for a bit. It was almost too big, buildings littering the whole site.

That night, Jieun had hardly slept, too excited for her first day of school. After all, this, was her new beginning.


she's finally at the academy!!

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