Chapter 32 - pardon?

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The next morning, Anastasia and Jamison were up early to ready themselves for the journey to the castle once more. She wore plain makeup and dressed in a modest dress that was more common in Ainsworth rather than Kou. Her legs were covered up her more in length and her collarbone tattoo was hidden from sight. As she seated herself for breakfast, Jamison wandered in, wearing the same deep blue that she was.


"Good morning!"


The carriage ride to the castle was fairly quiet. The two were quite tired and ready to get the stage over and done with so they could leave to settle down in their new school environment. By the time she knew it, Anastasia soon found herself walking through the halls to the waiting room, and was peering at the walls around. Many paintings decorated the interior, of monarchs and royals, all of whom has reigned during their own eras. While eyeing the details of the previous King Ainsworth, the two were called into the throne room. Anastasia found her heart began to beat slightly erratically as she walked through to the familiar large door. It swung open as she strode in alongside her friend, the two coming to a halt ahead of the two royals before them. They fell into a deep curtsy and bow.

"Jamison d'Nora of the House Marquis of Kou greets the noble King and Queen Ainsworth."

"Anastasia d'Astelo of the House Duchess of Kou greets the noble King and Queen Ainsworth."

A voice rang out, a familiarly confident one at that.

"You may rise."

Her eyes focused in on the two main figures before her. Like that fateful day, now, 7 years ago, the King and Queen say before her, outfits less humble than before. The Queen wore what would be considered more fancier than what one would wear to greet two mere envoys, but for more than two, it was adequate enough. Besides her stood the three other international students. She and Jamison gave them brief nods of acknowledgment, the three returning them just as incognito.

"Greetings, and welcome to our Ainsworth Kingdom. It is a delight of ours to welcome you five students to our kingdom, to gift you the best our education has to offer."

Jamison bowed his head for a few seconds, saying:

"It is more than an honour to attend Ainsworth's Royal Academy."

Besides her, Nathaniel added to the conversation.

"We hope to add the best we can as future students of your prized school."

The Queen of Ainsworth gave a sly smile to response, and Anastasia felt herself squirm.

'That doesn't feel right. What is she planning..?'

"But of course, in order to prevent confusion and maximise your understanding, there are a few students I wish to introduce you to. These six students will be those you can turn to for aid and will be there as your allies. Please feel free to depend on them in your times of need."

On command, six students walked in from the back room, moving to stand ahead of the group of five. Anastasia felt herself stiffen as she looked the six over.

'You've got to be fucking kidding me.'

Before her, stood the five Ainsworth capture targets and the heroine of the game. They all seemed to be looking at her, mixed reactions of a neutral expression, irritation, interest and confusion. Anastasia bit the inside of her lower lip, a fake smile plastered across her face as she tried to ignore the eyes staring holes into her face.

"What a coincidence! The eleven of us had the honour of becoming acquainted just last night."

The Queen's smile deepened.

"What a coincidence indeed... That makes things all the more easier, I suppose! But, there's one more person I'd like to introduce- the man who is one of our most trusted of allies- he is very trustworthy and in need of adult help, he would be more than happy to aid you. Anastasia, dear, I believe you are already well acquainted."

Anastasia froze as a figure appeared beside the King and Queen. Her heart froze over and she felt herself shiver with a slight rage. Before her eyes was the man she had once considered a father. Haran Rosenburg stood tall and proud, eyeing over the five and lingering with an air of disgust over Anastasia.

"Yes, a former acquaintance of mine. Thank you for your offering and we will be sure to go to you, sir, for aid."

'Yeah right.'

The conversation went on, carried by the other four as Anastasia counted the minutes passing. Her head was up with in the clouds with the fairies, and it was a sole, shocking statement than slapped her straight in the face, dragging her by the hair back into the conversation.

"And about your engagement to my eldest son, Miss d'Astelo? I assume you'd be moving here, so during what period of time would you begin your move?"




I'm BACK again and WOW 1k votes!!! Thank you to everyone who's voted on any chapters up til now- it's always a confidence booster to open the app and see the notifications about comments and/or votes! It's really an encouragement to help me write more and it's amazing that people are enjoying reading my writing💓

A l s o I hope everyone's day goes well today! I, myself, found out a couple hours ago that haikyuu's manga is apparently ending around chapters 403-405 and i feel crushed bUT It's around 1:30am here and I have to finish some tuition hw due in a couple hours so I'll have to stop my sulking b u t I hope your day goes awesome or at least without troubles☺️

-mathu x

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