Chapter 10 - her first day

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Anastasia woke up to the alarm set on her phone, with 2 hours til the introduction assembly. She went to get herself ready, brushing her teeth, and readying herself before going to put her uniform on. The uniform for first year and second year girls was a pair of black shoes, a grey ribbon and a white long sleeved blouse with a long, grey skirt, bound by grey suspenders. The flowy skirt was high waist to a few centimetres below the knee. They also had the option of an ebony-coloured cardigan or jumper (black being the school's official colour) engraved with the beautiful school logo of a white furred wolf, but Anastasia deemed it not cold enough to wear it yet. First year and second year girls wore a grey ribbon and grey socks or tights, with an exception of the head girl and head boy, who wore a black ribbon/tie. Anastasia admired herself in the mirror, seeing her changes from the past Antoinette. She felt pride in herself, as she picked up the empty grey school bag they had asked her to bring, locking her dorm room door and leaving to go to the canteen, only an hour left.

She met the rest of her group outside the canteen, only missing Leo. Melissa donned the same uniform as Anastasia, the only difference being Melissa's slightly taller figure. Jamison and Keiran were wearing the boys uniform- a white, short- sleeved shirt tucked into a grey shorts with the option of a black jumper, also holding the school logo. Just at the moment they had greeted each other, a maroon haired boy ran up to them panting,

"Sorry I'm late-"

"Yeah you are."

Slipped Melissa, feigning annoyance, as Anastasia giggled.

"-let's go in now."

The canteen was a massive hall like area, decorated with many white, rectangular tables. By the side, was the canteen service: a meal serving area and a self service area. To the side was a door, leading to an outside area, donned with outdoor umbrellas and white, circular tables. They dropped their bags by an indoor table for six, before going to get some food. Inside the canteen were only first year students, as the other years would start the day after.

Melissa and Jamie went to the self service area, both taking salads, while Anastasia, Leo and Kieran, who were feeling a bit hungrier, went to get bacon and egg combo sandwiches from the serving area. She was glad to see that no-one was bothered about a lady taking a meaty option, while in Ainsworth, doing so would have you judged for your "male-like" food choices. She had always hated that sort of thinking, but had restrained herself from eating anything other than salads at balls and tea parties in Ainsworth. The five of them made their way back to their table, idly chatting and teasing each other. They had only 10 minutes left when they had decided to go ahead to the assembly so they didn't get seats that were too bad.

The introduction assembly was quite a shock to Anastasia, where the headmistress was revealed to her for the first time. They had managed to get front row seats, only to see Aunt Marilyn stand up before all the first year students.

"Hello to all of our new students. Welcome to the Royal Academy of Kou, and the first year of your six year journey. My name is Marilyn Kou d'Kayam, your head mistress, as I will be for the next six years."

Anastasia felt her jaw drop as she gave a polite applause along with the rest of the new year students. She saw the glimmer in her Aunt Marilyn's eyes and she smiled at the thought of Marilyn's little prank on her. The assembly was very informative, introducing the academy's academic basis. There were 3 core subjects, alongside the basics such as Maths, English and Etiquette. Those three were the Vocal course, Dance course and the Production course. The Vocal course, obviously, focused on singing and vocal expression. Then there was the Dance course which, to be expected, only taught the dance of these times, such as the Waltz and other pair, elegant dances. Finally, was the Production course, which was for those involved in producing music. This would mean learning how to play different instruments. Anastasia didn't know how to feel, with not being able to dance like how she loved to back in Korea. However, she was happy enough to take the production course, having loved to okay a number of instruments back in Korea. As for the vocal course, Anastasia has a slight fear of singing, the memories of the words told to her back in Ainsworth surfacing. On top of that, back in Korea, Jieun had a slightly deeper voice, preferring to rap instead of sing at karaoke, so she wasn't too interesting. Headmistress Marilyn took away her worry over what course to choose to study, telling the students that until third year, they would not have to make a decision on which to take, as they would be taking all three for the first two years- to get students used to the lessons and broaden their knowledge on which suited them more. She also let slip that there were a very small minority of students that opted to take courses instead of one.

The rest of the speech was a showing of where specific rooms were and the naming of the rooms related to buildings. She also let the students know what they would be doing for the rest of the day. The speech ended, after she called out which students would be in which form rooms. Luckily enough, or not due to much luck and mostly interfering, Anastasia, Melissa, Kieran, Leo and Jamie were all placed in the same form, with 15 others. They were led to their form room by their form teacher. The rest of the day was spent by team building activities and getting to know your form as a whole. Anastasia greatly enjoyed this, as even if she wasn't too social, her peers were. There were quite a few questions about her hair, but she brushed them off saying she was sent from another country by her own that didn't need her. There were a few sympathetic comments and remarks but she brushed them all off with jokes, making everyone laugh.

By the end of the day, she had talked to most of her classmates and become friends with quite a few. She was happy.


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