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Jisung was now wearing a black shirt, black ripped pants, and black sneakers while his red flannel was tied around his waist. He's ready to go to arcade now.

He's still sulky to Chenle but he tried not to. He knows he didn't have any right to be sulky, especially that the older didn't have any clue why he was like this. Chenle didn't have any clue that Jisung have a crush on him.

He and Chenle were now waiting in the café, that was just across the arcade, for their other friends— Jaemin, Jeno, Donghyuck, and his boyfriend named Mark which they'll meet for the first time. It's just them. Renjun couldn't attend because of an unknown reason while Yangyang went to his cousin named Kun.

Jisung sipped to his grape ade, avoiding Chenle's gaze. The older was obviously suspicious of him since this morning, Chenle didn't believe that he's okay and that he didn't have any problem.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chenle asked for the nth time.

Jisung nodded, "Just nervous."

He didn't lie or make an excuse. He's really nervous.

"Is this your first time going to the arcade?" Chenle asked and Jisung nodded again.

To be honest, Jisung couldn't remember if he had been to an arcade before or not, but he was curious what was it like to play on the arcade or go to amusement parks to ride the rides.

His doctor says that his brain automatically removed his memory of his father before the accident because he was traumatized, at first, all he could remember was what happened on the day of the accident. But now, he could remember a few fragments of his memories like when his both parents sang a lullaby to put him to sleep and the time that his father gave him a piggyback because he liked it so much, but aside from that, he couldn't remember his other memories of his father. The doctor says that he could still recall his memories of his father as he recovers from the trauma. He was still not fully recovered, that's why all he could remember are fragments of memories.

"Don't worry. You'll enjoy it so much! I'll teach you how to play the games there, and let's beat the couples!" Said Chenle excitedly. Jisung just nodded and sipped to his grape ade again.

A few minutes after, Jeno and Jaemin arrived followed by Donghyuck and Mark.

"Jisungiiiie~" Jaemin said and walked towards Jisung to pinch Jisung's cheeks, "Fluffy."

Jisung couldn't complain and he didn't complain. He knew that the older likes to do it to him and he's getting used to it now. He just let Jaemin to pinch his cheeks until the older was satisfied.

"Nana, stop doing that. You'll might make his cheeks bleed," said Jeno as he noticed that Jaemin pinched Jisung's cheeks hard. Really hard.

"Sorry, sorry," Jaemin apologized and caressed his red cheeks gently.

Jisung just nodded, "It's okay, Hyung."

"Oh my— Jisung talked to me," Jaemin dramatically said.

This was not the first time that Jisung spoke to him, but most of the time Jisung would just really speak to Chenle, and that made Jaemin more affectionate towards the younger.

He didn't know the younger's problems but he won't force Jisung to open up to them. He'll just take care of Jisung like a real son.

"Stop being dramatic, Jaemin," said Donghyuck as he rolled his eyes.

"You're just jealous because Jisung hasn't spoken to you yet," said Jaemin in a mocking tone.

While their boyfriends, Jeno and Mark, just shook their heads as their boyfriends bicker to each other.

Jisung, Speak | ᴄʜᴇɴsᴜɴɢWhere stories live. Discover now