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Everyone in their circle of friends didn't dare to ask what's wrong with Chenle and Jisung.

One day, the two wouldn't talk to each other anymore, even in their private group chat. If Chenle sends a chat, Jisung just seen his message and if Jisung sends a chat, Chenle would go offline. They didn't want to meddle with the couple's problem because that's their problem, they are the ones who should fix it and not them. So, even if Jaemin wanted to talk to both of them he couldn't because he respects the privacy of the two.

Chenle wanted to talk to Jisung for days now and Jisung just kept on ignoring him. Jisung didn't show any signs of interest about what Chenle does in their classroom. Chenle was also not sure if Jisung had seen his messages. On chat, Jisung would just seen his message and he wouldn't even reply a dot.

"Are you sure you'll still go there?" Manager Ari asked Chenle as he drives Chenle to the Park's residence. "You said it yourself that you two are in a quarrel."

Chenle nodded, "I promised him that I'll stay there every Saturday and Sunday. I'll keep my promise."

"Well, if you insist," Manager Ari just shrug off his shoulders because of the younger's response.

"By the way, the management wants to talk to you this Monday. You have to go to the office after your training," Manager Ari informed Chenle.

"About what?" Chenle asked.

It's not about my relationship, right? No way Hendery would tell them about that. Chenle thought.

"I don't know. I don't have any idea," Manager Ari replied. "You'll know when you got there."

There's a couple of things that came across Chenle's mind why the management wants to talk to him— if could be something related to debut or trainees having problems with him or someone told them about his relationship with someone and they want to be treated the same too. But he automatically shrug those off because it doesn't make any sense. It's too bizarre.

When Chenle got into the Park's residence. Jisung's mother greeted him.

"Jisung's upstairs," Mrs. Park said. "I'm just in my room if you need me or anything."

Chenle nodded at Jisung's mom politely.

Chenle knocked three times at Jisung's door but he didn't hear any noise or response from the younger inside. That's why he's thinking if he should enter the room or not, given the situation that the two of them were in a quarrel.

But in the end, Chenle decided to enter the room, but the moment he got in, the younger wasn't there. The room was empty.

A few seconds after, he heard footsteps coming from outside. Chenle turned to his back and he saw the topless Jisung, who just came out from the bathroom. The bottom half of Jisung's body was covered with a towel.

"Uhm," Chenle gulped, suddenly he couldn't say any words right now. The temperature of the room suddenly becomes hotter than usual. Chenle was not aware that his face and ears were slowly becoming red.

"You can dress up here. Uhm, excuse me, I'll go out now," Chenle excused himself. He was looking down at the floor, he couldn't look at Jisung directly for some reason.

Before Chenle got out of the room, Jisung's arms suddenly wrapped around Chenle's small body. Jisung hugged him from the back. Chenle clearly felt Jisung's bare body that makes the older's face redder.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you these past few days," Jisung said with a hoarse voice.

"Y-yeah, I know," Chenle's mind couldn't function properly at the moment. He's just saying the words that came from his mind.

"Y-you might want to dress up first," Chenle stuttered.

Why is it getting hotter here? Chenle asked himself.

But instead of letting Chenle go, Jisung hugged him tighter.

"When you told me that your co-trainee found my text message for you I panicked. That's why I avoided you for days," Jisung said. "I'm sorry."

Chenle gulped. He couldn't think straight as of the moment, "We'll talk about this later. Can you dress up first?"

He felt Jisung nodded and the younger loosen the hug to the older, and Chenle went out of the room and closed the door.

After a few minutes of staring at the floor, he's finally back to his senses, and he started to freak out because of what he saw while ago, and he imagined things that he shouldn't be imagining.

"Park Jisung was topless! Oh, shoot— Chenle stop making topless Jisung a big deal because it's not a big deal! Get a grip, Chenle." Chenle murmured as he tried to calm himself.

Then the door opened, Jisung was now fully dressed. He was wearing a plain gray shirt and pajamas, his hair was still slightly wet.

"I'm done now," Jisung said when he saw Chenle murmuring to himself.

Chenle came back inside Jisung's room. Jisung sat on the bedside while he sat on the chair near Jisung's study table.

"What were you saying earlier?" Chenle asked as he completely forgot what Jisung said a while ago.

Jisung breathes heavily because he knows he did something wrong. When it comes to being a relationship, everything should be discussed and decided by both parties but he decided on his own. He decided to avoid Chenle for days because he thought that it's for Chenle's sake. During the few days he ignored Chenle, he saw how sad the older was and it pained him to see the older like that. That's why he decided to tell the older about it and apologize for making Chenle worried.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you these past few days," Jisung started with a low voice. "I panicked when you told me that your co-trainee saw my text message and I worry if your co-trainee might bully you or hate you if they found out about this. So, I avoided you..."

"I also thought that you are mad because I texted you and chatted you during your training hours," Jisung added.

Chenle didn't know how to respond. Chenle was at a loss for words when he heard Jisung's reasons why he avoided him for days.

It wasn't true that he got mad when Jisung texted him that time, but Jisung thought of it that way. He panicked because Hendery almost tells to all of the people there about the text message. But he was annoyed at Hendery for touching his stuff.

"I'm not mad at you. I never got mad at you," Chenle said in a gentle tone.

"Really?" Jisung looked at Chenle with sparkles in his eyes like a kid.

Chenle smiled from Jisung's cuteness. He's cute even without doing anything. "Yes. Now give me a hug. I haven't hugged you for days already,"

Jisung spread his arms and Chenle quickly hug Jisung tightly.

"I missed you so much," Jisung said.

"I missed you, too," Chenle replied with a smile.

"I missed your kisses, too," Jisung added. "Can you give me a kiss?"


"Another one."


"One more, please."


"Again please," Jisung requested again with a big smile plastered in his face.

"Stop that. You're abusing my lips," Chenle said, hiding his smile but he failed to.

"You like it though," Jisung teased Chenle. "So give me more kisses."

Chenle kisses Jisung's soft lips once again. This time, it wasn't a peck. The two of them can feel the softness of each other's lips as they savor the kiss more.

Words were not enough to say how much they missed each other, and kissing was one of the ways how they expressed their longings to each other.

The night was filled with their smiles, kisses, hugs, and cuddles. They were both making up for the time that they couldn't do those things at each other.

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