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Chenle was happy that Jisung was now slowly going out of his comfort zone and was trying to be close with everyone. But it had been two weeks since they went to the arcade and after that, Jisung was kind of distant to him— Chenle wasn't sure if he just feels that Jisung was distant on him or it's just his imagination.

He thought that Jisung was now closer to Jaemin than him. These days, Jisung would always approach Jaemin if he have to ask something before it was him. Maybe he just approached Jaemin because he's nearer.

Yes, maybe that's the reason. Chenle convinced himself.

Chenle would just think of that excuse that he sits at the front and Jisung was too lazy to go in the front to approach him and ask him, therefore, made the younger always go to Jaemin who's two seats away from him.

I am jealous of Jaemin Hyung... Wait— I'm not jealous!

"Okay! So, everyone, I've watched all the videos that you submitted to me," Mr. Ten said with a loud voice, getting the attention of his students. "Before I announce who are the three pairs who got the highest grades, I just wanna say that all of you did well and all of you got high grades— I'm not lying, you're batch are all good at dancing! The lowest grade that I gave, as far as I can remember, is 86."

"Now, the first pair are Jeno and Jaemin, then, the second pair are Donghyuck and Renjun, and the last but not the least, Jisung and Chenle!" Mr. Ten announced.

The couple looked very happy while there's Donghyuck saying, "Told y'all, I'm an ace," and Renjun who just rebutted him with, "No one here cares for your comment." While shock was clearly seen on Chenle's face. 

Chenle thought that they wouldn't be part of the three pairs because he didn't dance as good as Jisung and that he might be the reason why the two of them wouldn't have high grades but he was wrong— they got higher grades than he expected!

"To be honest, I am really surprised about Jisung's dancing skills. Who thought that the most silent among your class can dance like that," Mr. Ten commented.

Jisung just looked down to hide his blushing face. This was the first time that someone complimented his dancing skills aside from his mom— he felt happy, proud, and embarrassed at the same time.

"After our class, since I'm your last period today, the six of you have to go with me for further discussions about your performance at the art festival," Mr. Ten reminded them.

The six of them went to Mr. Ten's office after the class was finished. Chenle just kept on glancing at Jisung who's listening to Jaemin's stories, like how he introduced himself to the cashier as Jeno's boyfriend when they pay for the bicycles they bought because the cashier was flirting with Jeno, and Jeno just kept on smiling while listening to Jaemin telling that story to Jisung.

"So, you'll perform the intro dance which is just almost 5 minutes long, while the seniors and alumnus are the main performer, and you'll also participate in the final dance. You're the opening act at the art festival for the dance segment, which is the third act of the festival, while the first and second acts are spoken poetry and singing," said Mr. Ten and they just kept on nodding while listening attentively on everything he's gonna say, "Starting tomorrow, after your class ends you'll have to go to the dance practice room to learn the choreography and master it. Then, after two weeks, you'll have to practice along with your seniors and alumni for the final dance."

"Can I ask who are the seniors and alumnus that will perform with us?" Asked Jeno, while Donghyuck was just silently grinning at the back.

There's a lot going on Chenle's mind when he heard that they'll be performing with the seniors and alumnus. Are they strict? Are they easy-going? Are they fun to work with? Are they mean? Are they going to help them when they find the choreographies difficult or not?

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