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"So, what's your name?" A tall guy approached Chenle.

Chenle looked at him. He's tall, has fair skin, and handsome. But Jisung is still more handsome. He's good at dancing based on Chenle's observation when they were dancing while ago.

"I am Kunhang but you can call me Hendery," the guy introduced himself. "I'm training here for 3 months already."

"I'm Chenle," Chenle replied with an awkward smile on his face.

This was Chenle's first day of training. They are dancing for two hours straight already, they didn't have a break in between, and this was their first break. He was still panting because of exhaustion. He didn't expect the training to be this hard and the instructor to be this strict.

He was teaching dancing techniques and every trainee here was so competitive. Chenle was intimidated by all of them. He didn't even have to introduce himself because they just ignored him when he entered the room.

Chenle basically have dance training for four hours every Wednesday and Thursday, vocal training for four hours every Friday and Thursday, etiquette class for one hour and thirty minutes for one day every Wednesday, he also has songwriting and composing class for one hour and thirty minutes every Saturday, and he'll also have "homework" regularly.

His training schedule was so tight and if you also add his class schedule in the university, his schedule was really packed and tight. Gladly, Jisung would help him with his assignment and outputs, so, he didn't have to put his time there like before.

I'll surely sleep like a baby this Sunday, or maybe every Sunday.

"So what's your specialty? Dancing, singing, or rapping?" Hendery asked.

"Uh, singing," Chenle answered.

Chenle didn't know why but he felt like he should distance himself to Hendery. Hendery seemed friendly, he was the first person that approached him. But Chenle somewhat felt intimidated by his aura (or may be intimidated by the aura of all the trainees here).

"Are you shy?" Hendery asked.

Chenle shook his head, "I'm intimidated... by you."

Hendery chuckled from Chenle's reply. He was the first person that found him intimidating. "You're the first person who says that I'm intimidating."

Did I just insult him? "Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, don't be," Hendery answered with all smiles. "You're quite amusing. You're cute."

What? Cute? "Thank you...?" I should really distance myself from him.

Chenle found Hendery quite creepy. He didn't know why but there's something about Hendery that tells him to stay away from him. He seemed friendly but his friendliness seems off.

Chenle roamed his eyes around the room. All the guys were mostly sitting on the floor, drinking their water and resting, while some were also talking to their friends.

Chenle sighed heavily. This was his first day and it's already difficult for him.

"HEY, HOW'S THE training?" Jisung asked him.

Chenle didn't reply, but grunted.

Chenle lied straightly onto Jisung's bed. His body was aching from dancing for four hours and he's also mentally tired because of the lessons.

Chenle chose to sleep at Jisung's house every Saturday and Sunday to spent more time with him. Because night time was their only free time, they couldn't be seen in public together and they couldn't talk or look at each other in university and this was the, so, this was the only way they thought to still talk and spend time with each other with ease.

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