Chapter 8: Let's celebrate!

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" Um what's all of this decoration??" Poppy asked. Everyone came put of their room as they saw every creatures start decorating the whole kingdom. Even they could hear music where playing through the stages. Then Angela appeared in front of them." Oh! Were having a celebration of our 1097 years of the founders of the Kingdom of Harmony!!" She said as she handle some flowers to the fairies who flew away, putting them in the vase.

"So it's like a party??" Asked poppy as Angela nodded then gasp in happiness when she saw Melody came out throught the castle doors looking completely confuse when she saw everyone were decorating." Why are they decorating??" Asked Melody as Angela was now in front of her making her rear back in surprise." It's the celebration of the founders of the kingdom of harmony in 1097 years! " melody blink as she asked," so it's like Festival?"" You can say that." Ron said as he came out through the waters as his tail turn into legs.

" dude how did your tail turn into legs??!" Asked Barb as she poke his legs making ron laugh," well sirens and mermaids can walk when their in land." Barb and the others nodded understand as they stared at his legs in shock." So everything is ready??" Asked Fiona as she flew down after checking out the list on her hand." Almost. The elves and Mermaids were arguing again." Said Angela as everyone look at the group of elves and mermaids were argueing something about the food and some decoration.

" ugh. Where's Kiara? she should be ordering the mermaids for the music." Asked Fiona as Oscar appeared beside her as he spoke," negative." Then they both stop when they saw Melody was already at the group, talking to them with a calming smile and giving them some advice. The chiefs were impress, as Ron said," she will be a great queen." Everyone nodded as the trolls leaders talk to fiona about they could help them decorate which made Angela happy and told her they should, so they did.

After they finish decorating, it is time to celebrate. Every creature were there, in the harmony plaza, as fiona step forward at the stage as she grand opening the celebration of the harmony kingdom making every creature cheer and the music start playing, making Melody perk up when she heard the music. Angela appeared in front of the trolls and melody as she sang,


Let's come together, singing love and harmonia

We are so different, but we're the same inside our hearts

Beautiful colors, just as far as the eyes can see ya

Open your wings, fly when you hear the call

Let's celebrate, for we are beautiful creatures

Come spread your wings, dance and sing songs about freedom

Like lah lah lah hoo hoo

Gia(chief of elves):
One for the jungle família

Like bah bah bah boom boom

Calling the beautiful creatures

Come this way celebrate

Laugh and dance all the way

Follow me sing along

Lah lah bah bah boom boom

Dave(chief of the mage humans):
Já disse que Jade chegou

Já disse que já disse que Jade chegou

Já disse que Jade chegou

Já disse que já disse que Jade chegou

Melody giggle as she was drag away by the cheifs as she dance around with them happily. Trollex was watching her as angela appeared beside him and push him forward by saying," come on trollex! Dance with your queen!!" Trollex blush as he bump into Melody, who look at him and smile as she nudge him to dance with her, Making Trollex smile and grab her hand and dance around with her. Angela saw how they love each other making her sigh in happiness then she look at the other trolls and she went behind them and push them forward as she said join them.

Let's celebrate, for we are beautiful creatures

Come spread your wings, dance and sing songs about freedom

Like lah lah lah hoo hoo

One for the jungle família

Like bah bah bah boom boom

After the beat of the music trollex tossed melody up as melody twirl in the air as she laugh as she falls down making Trollex caught her laughing with her as everyone cheer in happiness. Trollex put melody down as the two continued to dance. He watch melody's face turn to happiness making him fall in love more to her. Until he made finally decission. He will purpose to melody, but he need help from the trolls and the chief leaders for this.


Meanwhile, in the food court, Kiara and her daughter were watching. Kiara was glaring and scoffing in digust to see how that troll and the human interact each other. She slowly list something to create a love potion for her brother and the human to fall in love. But she didn't know that Lily saw her write everthing her mother need to create she mentally start to create a potion to break her mother's love potion.

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