Chapter 12: suspicious

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" wait what?? What do ya mean that Melody's eyes were purple instead of blue?"" And what do you mean Trollex's eyes we're yellow instead Green??"

Delta and Trollzart spoke together as they look at Poppy and branch with confuse look on their face. Poppy nodded as she said," yes! There's definately wrong here!" Branch speak up as he step forward." I don't know what is going on after i talk to trollex and also seeing Kiara, she give me an evil look on her face." Everyone look each other then back to them." Um...poppy? Branch? I think your over with this. Maybe they change their eye color" said Delta making the others nodded in agreement to each other.

" you got to be kidding me" said Branch as he sigh in disappointment. After a lots of talks and the left. Poppy pout as she kick some stones away." Grrr! Sugar!" She curse as Branch sigh as he said," welp. They will never understand what's going on here."" Um dudes? I'm over here you know"" huh?!" The two trolls look at Barb, who was looking at them, with a serious look on her face.

" barb?"" Look Pinkie, i have notice something strange towards to Kiara, every time she's with either melody and trollex. I knkw her attitudes towards to them a 10 days ago, she's really rude and mean to us. Especially Melody. And your right, Melody's eyes were Blue not purple." Said Barb as she cross her arms in anger as she scoff. Poppy smile as she said," finally! You understand what's going on!!"

The three trolls start to make a plan to find out what's behind Kiara and how will they bring the two back.


Kiara walks around with Melody on her side and Fake trollex. Both of them were emotionless. As they arrive at the were Kiara makes potions. She smirk as she slowly mix something in the pot as she slowly put in on the cup then make the fake trollex, who was Kovu, to stay as Trollex like. Kiara smirk as she said," once this plan is complete i will stared new olan to destroy the Queen so i will be new ruler of the harmony." She brought out some more potion that symbolize Poison.

She smirk and slowly laugh evilly. She didn't know that her daughter was looking at her. She waited for her mother to leave with the other two. Lily slowly coming out from her hiding place as she looks around to see if no one is here. Thn she slowly made her way to put something that will prevent killing the queen. " If the Queen drank this potion, it will not put her to eternal death. Only a true love kiss from her True love." She whisper making the potion turn to Violet to Pink. After that she heard the door open up making her quickly run away and softlt dive on the waters as she heard her mother come back.

Lily watch her mother grab something then left. She sigh in relief as she swam away, heading to find the someone so she could warn them.


Meanwhile, Delta was talking to Oscar about some flowers and others. Melody is with them also. Delta notice something on Melody's eyes.' Purple? I thought her eyes were blue?' She thought. Then she saw Melody look at her way then asked," is something wrong in my face Delta??"" U-uh, nothing Melody." Said Delta as Oscar stared Melody's eyes. He tilted his head confuse a bit.

" your majesty, i think it's time for your wedding dress and also brides maid" Kiara came , holding a list on her hand. Melody nodded as she stood up and follow her after waving good bye to Delta and oscar as she left. 


As the Three trolls keeping on eye on Melody and Trollex as they watch them talking to Kiara and Angela. Then they heard something or someone was calling them. The three look over to see a young teenage girl, with Blue hair and Emerald eyes. They tilted their nead confuse as They look around to see if someone notice them then quickly made their way to her." Um, Hi? Who are you?" Poppy asked as the teen shush them as she said," not here."

She took them into secret place. The teen touch the walls as it departed revealing some passage ways." Wow. This is cool." Said Barb in awe and the teen motion them to follow. As they enter it is save for the teen girl to speak." Hi my name is Lily, Daughter of the chief leader of The mermaids." Branch raise his eye brow as he cross his arms in confuse but still catious." So your mother is Kiara huh? Do you know what's going on here?" He asked. Lilly nodded as she bring out a magical pearl that show anything that you could every asked.

" i know what's going on."" Please tell us." Lilly look at them then nodded as she takes a deep breath." Queen melody was taken a love potion." She said making the three trolls gasp in shock." A love potion?? So that's means..." branch trail off as Lily nodded." Since you know the true color of Queen melody's eyes we're blue. So when she taken a love potion her eyes will turn into Purple." She explained more.

" but what about trollex? Does he taken a love potion too??" Asked poppy as Lily spoke," actually that trollex you have spoken about was imposter. He is not real trollex."" What?! Then how is he then?!" Asked barb in shock." He is my uncle and kiara's brother, Kovu. My mother did something after giving my uncle a love potion then transformation potion to turn him like trollex but the difference is his eyes. Normally my uncle's eyes were orange. But when he taken a love potion, it is now yellow."

The three trolls look each other with a shock look on their face then back to her." Lily? Where's the real trollex??" Branch asked. Lily slowly look at the pearl as she spoke," oh magical pearl, show me where the real king trollex is!" Then the magical pearl start glowing making the three trolls covered their eyes. Then stop as they look at it and gasp. They saw the real King Trollex, struggling to get out of the cages he's been. And he looks very tired and sad." Oh no! We have to find him!" Shout Branch as he gets up but he was pulled down by poppy.

" we have to tell the others!"" But poppy-"" come on!" Poppy ignore the called from lily as she drag branch and barb away as they quickly left the passage way. Lily frown as she said," you don't know that my mother is good at the fake acting and lies."

Oh shiz! Poppy didn't listen to lily's warnings! And they found the real trollex! And the love potion and also the imposter! Hope you guys stay tune to the next chapter!

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