Love? • Rafe

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Y/n P.O.V

Rafe and I were holding hands walking down the beach at 2am . "Rafe" I said looking at him. "Yes princess" he responds. "You know I love you right" I say smiling.

His eyes went wide and just nodded slowly. I was surprised he didn't say it back, it hurt just a little but I didn't mind. Maybe he just wasn't ready.

At the end of our walk, he dropped me off and left quickly. I was confused. After I had told him I loved him, he was really quiet or would give me one worded answers.

Maybe he just was in shock. I shrugged and went to bed. I woke up and decided to go get some icecream. I went to the shop and got a chocolate swirl. I was walking back home when I saw Rafe and his friends.

I decided to go over and say hi. Usually he always calls in the morning and asks me what I wanted to do if we weren't busy but he didn't call me so I just assumed he was busy.

"Hey babe" I say walking over to him. "Oh hi y/n" he says and continues his conversation with his friends. To me it was pretty clear he didn't want to talk to me so I just left without saying goodbye. As I was walking away I turned to him and he didn't even notice.

I sighed and got home. I checked my phone and I had no missed text messages or calls. "What if he thinks I was moving too fast and now doesn't want to talk to me" I say running my hands through my hair.

"Maybe he just had a bad day today" I say trying to reassure myself.

2 weeks had passed and Rafe still hasn't talked to me. I kinda just gave up on him and stopped trying to call and text him. At the end of the day if he wanted to talk to me he would but apparently he didn't.

Kiara texted me that they were throwing a kegger and I decided to go. I dressed up and curled my hair and walked out.

"Drink for the pretty lady" John B said handing me a cup. "Thank you" I say smiling and walking away. I was a kook but I was also really close with the Pogues.

I decided to go talk to some tourist and ended up their for a few hours. I heard a girl laugh really loud beside me and I turned to see Rafe flirting with a girl. I rolled my eyes, we haven't even broke up yet.

"Wanna dance sweetheart?" I hear behind me. I saw JJ with his hand out. JJ was like the older brother I never hand. "I'd be honored" I giggled. He pulled me to the middle and started to spin me while I laughed.  He turned me around and moved his hips with mine as I put my hands around his neck .

I felt a strong grip on my hand pulling me away from JJ. I shake my hand off quickly and see who pulled me. Rafe. "What the hell man" I say. "What was that Y/n!" Rafe yells making me flinch. I hated when Rafe got angry.

After he saw me flinch his facial expression became soft for a few seconds. Soon it went back and showed his anger. "I was just dancing!" I respond. "You were basically fucking him" Rafe says. "Why do you care?" I scoff. "Because I love you Y/n" he says.

This time it was my turn for my eyes to widen. "shit" he whispers rubbing his temples. "If you really loved me why did you not talk to me for two weeks" "because I was scared" "scared of what Rafe?" "Love! okay?"

I soften at his words and place my hand on his cheek. "What is there to be scared of?" I ask. "I was falling for you and I didn't want to let my guard down for you just to leave" "so before I left you did" I say now understanding.

He nods sadly. "I'm in love with you Rafe, I would never leave you. Ever" I say bringing him for a hug. "Promise" he whispers. "I promise" I say stroking his hair.

"I love you so so much" he whispers looking down at me. "I love you too Cameron" I giggle. He brings his lips down to mine and kissed me ever so passionately.

"What a softie?" I say smiling. "Only for you princess, only for you" he whispers.

And there we were hugging not wanting to let one another go for the fear of them leaving. I was in love with him. I was in love with Rafe Cameron.

Hey guys thanks for reading! Please comment and vote it would mean a lot to me lol! Muah bye xoxo❤️ (Also please leave requests if you want any stories or if you have any ideas:))) )

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