Real or Pretend • Rafe

22.4K 295 28

701 word count (short)

Y/n's P.O.V

"Hey loser" I said giggling as I jumped off my dirt bike waving to Rafe. "Heyyy" he said running over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"What did you call me for?" I ask the boy as we walk into his house. "Well...." he said pausing as we walked into his room.

I jumped on his bed messing up his covers. "Well what?" I say giving him a confused glance. "I kinda maybe I don't know told my parents I was dating you" he said quickly shutting his eyes.

"You what?!?" I yelled. "Rafe we aren't dating I don't know if you knew that but we are definitely not dating" I told him sitting up. "I know I know, it's just they were proud of Sarah for dating Topper and I felt left out so I said I was dating you and they were all happy" he replies talking with his hands.

"You're insane! What are you gonna do?" "Well I was hoping you could be my pretend girlfriend at least until I build the courage to tell them or something" he replied sitting next to me.

"Ugh Rafe" I said covering my face in my hands. "Please" he said turning to me giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fine" I rolled my eyes.

"Y/n you are the best!" he said tackling me on the bed with a hug. "Ok ok get off of me I can't breathe" I repeated hitting his chest.

He laughed and got off. "Y/n! Rafe! Dinners ready!" Ward yelled as he came in the room.

"Come on love birds" he said smiling looking at the two of us. Rafe smiled wrapping an arm around me pulling me in. "Yeah love birds" I said smiling like an idiot. "Well come on down you two" he said again and left the room.

I immediately took off his arm and pretended to throw up. "Oh be quiet" he said as we both walked down and ate dinner.

"So Y/n and Rafe when did you start dating?" Rose asked. "Two months ago" "Few weeks" we both said at the same time and looked at eachother. "Uhm yeah two months and a few weeks ago" I said hitting Rafe's leg under the table.

"Aw you guys make such a cute couple" Ward said as we ate. "Thanks" we said again simultaneously. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Sarah said smirking obviously knowing we were lying. "Uhm well you see" "We uhm" "Well we just didn't know if you guys would approve" Rafe said nodding towards me.

"Yeah" I nodded turning back to the family. "Why wouldn't we! You guys are perfect with eachother!" Ward replied.


It had been a few weeks since me and Rafe started "Dating". I hate to say it but all the pretending has made me start to catch feelings for the psychopath. Ew.

"Rafe we cant keep fake dating forever" I yell at him as I walk outside. "What do you mean we can't y/n?" I can't keeping fake dating him it's not fair to me.

I didn't want to get my self in too deep just to have him break my heart.

"We cant Rafe!" I yell back obviously annoyed. "Y/n you can't do this!" he fights back pulling me to look at him.

"I can't just keep pretending Rafe" I said softly giving up. "why not" he said lowering his voice.

"Because this isn't real we aren't real!" I yell making him stumble back. I swear I saw a look of hurt cross his face. "You're right we aren't!" he yells storming back inside.

This is the right thing to do. Right? Ugh. I think for a moment before walking back and upstairs into Rafe's room.

"What do you want-" I cut him off quickly pressing my lips to his. It took a while but he eventually started to kiss me back.

We both pulled away breathlessly. "I don't want to pretend Rafe" I whispered looking up at him. "Me either" he smiled pulling me in for another kiss.

sorry this one was short! hope y'all enjoyed love y'all! omg we hit 13k!🤍

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