New Friends • OBX

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Prompt: "Well..they are way better friends than you guys ever were" - Y/n

Y/n's P.O.V

"I want to go surfing" I said smiling looking at the waves. "Eh I kinda wanna go out on the boat to the marsh" Kie says looking at us. "Yea yea good idea!" John B said getting up.

"To the marsh it is" JJ said smiling. Pope nods following them out. They didn't even glance in my direction. "Yeah just forget about my idea" I said to myself rolling my eyes. I honestly felt like the group and me were slowing drifting.

I got up and followed them out to the boat. JJ was steering as the rest of the group laughed in the back. I sat in the front hanging my legs outside letting them touch the water.

"Here's perfect!" Kiara said excitedly getting up taking off her clothes as the boys basically drooled over the girl.

We weren't too far from the dock and I was already getting bored. I didn't bring much so I just left my clothes on the boat and got in the water and swam to the dock.

I doubt they even noticed. I got my board and went to go do what I wanted to do in the first place. Surf.

A smile grew on my face as I ran towards the water.

I always loved surfing. It helped me forget about the world around me and made me feel as if it was just me and my board.

Once I was finished I paddled to shore drenched in water. By the time I was done I saw a few people on the beach.

"Hey Pogue Princess!" I heard a guy yell. I turn my head to see a few kooks sitting near a bonfire.

The kooks were never mean to me so I was never really mean to them. I just waved and continued walking.

"Hey y/n!" I heard as I saw Sarah running over to me. "Oh hey" I replied giving her a weak smile. "Where are your friends?" she asked confused.

"Not here" I said quickly. "Oh okay, well you're welcome to join us" She said smiling pointing out to her friends.

"Thanks I'm good" I smiled and started to walk away. "Come on y/n, it'll be fun I promise" she said pulling my arm. I sighed letting her pull me to the group.

"Hey y/n" I heard a chorus of hi's being said as I sat down. "how are you?" Topper asked as he passed me a cup of what seemed to be lemonade. "good good" I said giving him a weak smile as I took a sip out of the red solo cup.

"Where are those pogue friend of yours?" Rafe asked giving me a small look of disgust before laughing playfully. "Out on the boat" "Then why are you out here" "I wanted to surf" I shurg.

"And they didn't come with you?" Topper said raising an eyebrow. I shake my head no looking down. "Kiara wanted to go on the boat so they went" I said quietly.

"That doesn't sound like real friends y/n" Rafe smirked drinking whatever was left of his beer. "Yeah you would know" I say rolling my eyes. "Hey hey, I'm just saying" he said putting his arms up in defense.

The rest of the night we talked and laughed and just had fun. It had been a while since I actually felt included in something. Weird enough that it was with the kooks.


I woke up and remembered I had left my clothes over on the boat so I head to John B's. I walked in not saying hi and headed to the back. I grabbed my clothes from the boat and went back through the inside.

"Hey y/n we are gonna-" JJ started but got quickly cut off by my phone ringing. "Hello" I said picking it up. "Hey y/n! Some of us were gonna go get so food at the wreck if you want to join?" Sarah said over the phone.

"Sure, why not? Sounds like fun" I said smiling. "Great we will save you a seat" "See you in a bit" I said ending the call.

"Who was that?" Pope asked. "Oh some friends I'm gonna head out adios" I said saluting them as I walked out heading to the familiar restaurant.

"Hi" I said walking in and sitting in the empty seat. "Hey y/n" Sarah smiled as the rest did the same.

"I heard that if you eat a lot of crabs you start to act like one" Rafe said as he put his hands next to his sides acting like the animal. "You're insane" I said laughing. "It's true!" he yelled dramatically.

"Must explain why Sarah is always in a bad mood" Topper said eating a piece of his food. "Rude" Sarah said pouting. We all shared a laugh and continued talking.


It had been about a month since I stopped taking to the pogues. They used to call my 24/7 asking me what happened and if I wanted to hang but I just ignored them and I haven't seen them since.

I was way happier and felt less alone. I had changed a lot as well. I let my short hair grow out, I started working out with Sarah, and my skin got way clearer and I was definitely more tan since I spent all the time outside with the kooks.

"What do you want to do today?" Rafe asked as he played with my hair. Everyone was sitting on the couch and my head was in his lap. "I'm kinda hungry" I said rubbing my stomach.

"Now that you bring it up y/n so am I" Topper said. "Let's go to the wreck then?" Sarah suggest as we all got up and got ready I decided to wear:

 "Let's go to the wreck then?" Sarah suggest as we all got up and got ready I decided to wear:

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"Look at you gorgeous" Sarah said smiling. "I get it from you" I said as we linked arms and walked out to the cars.

"Ladies first" Topper said bowing dramatically as we walked in giggling. I looked up and gulped at the sight. I saw the group of four I once used to call my best friends sitting down eating.

"Maybe we should eat somewhere else..." Sarah suggests. The boys nod but I stop them. "It's fine really" I said smiling as we sat as far away from them as we could.

"Guys I have to go to the bathroom" I said bouncing my leg up and down. "It's your fault for drinking like four lemonades" Rafe said laughing.

"Shut up" I said before getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

"Hey y/n" I heard Kiara say stopping me. "Oh hey" I said turning to them. "Hanging with the kooks has changed you" John B said scoffing. "For the better" I said glaring at him.

"Why are you hanging out with them and just ditched us?" JJ said looking up to me. "Yeah I ditched you totally" I fought back. "They are all fake" Kiara implied as she turned to look at them.

"Well..they are way better friends than you guys ever were" I simply said as I smiled leaving them with their jaws drop.

"Okay I really need to go to the bathroom now before I pee myself" I told my self mentally as I basically ran to the stalls.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one 😘 Love y'all! Vote/Comment/Give feedback! I'm gonna be posting twice today so yay!🤍

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