Back from the dead • JJ

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Prompt #65: "You conned us into thinking you were dead for two weeks, I think we have time" - JJ

Y/n's P.O.V

It had been two weeks since I last saw JJ. The last memory he had of me was on that sinking boat.

I was John B's twin sister and had to leave with him to avoid going to jail for the murder we didn't commit.


"Are they dead?" Kiara asked as her teeth clenched. "We uh don't know, we lost them" The cop told us.

JJ eyes grew blurry as he felt the tears cloud them. "No" he yelled rushing for the cop almost tackling him as other cops tried to pull him away.

"You drove them through the storm! You killed my bestfriend! You killed my girlfriend!" he screamed and screamed till there was no sound left.

The three teenagers hugged onto eachother for dear life all devastated at the fact that their friends were now gone. They cried and cried as they held onto each other.

JJ heart broken at the fact that he lost the love of his life.

*End of flashback*

It was a week since I decided to leave John B and Sarah. They wanted to go after the gold but all I wanted to do was be back in his arms. JJ's arms.

I took multiple buses and walked for what felt like forever just to be back home.

Nothing but my clothes and a few dollars that the man from the boat gave us. It took a whole week to finally get back to the Outer Banks.

I wondered what happened to the pogues in the time that we were gone. We had zero way to contact them considering everything submerged with the boat.

I saw the familiar sign letting me know I finally reached my destination. I sighed in relief, at least I was going the right way.

I couldn't wait to change out of these clothes and finally eat a meal. I couldn't wait to see the rest of my friends and JJ.

I walked for a few more minutes, before I knew it I was standing right in front of our old house.

It looked the same. Well what should I expect, I was only gone for two weeks.

I walked in hoping that JJ, Kie, and Pope were there, but they weren't. I went to my room changing into a pair of blue jeans and one of JJ shirts that had the sleeves cut off.

I heard doors shut making me jump. "There goes dinner" I heard Kiara's familiar voice say. "John B used to catch all the fish and without them we aren't getting anything" Pope said annoyingly.

"I can't believe they're really gone" I heard my boyfriend say making a smile appear on my face but soon fade away quickly. "It's okay we can get through this together" Kiara said her voice cracking.

Wait why were they crying, do they think? Oh my god. They think we're dead. How am I supposed to explain to them that i'm in the room right next to them.

I took a deep breath getting ready to walk out of my room and announce that I'm back from the dead, yay! ugh okay.

"I miss her, I wish she was still here" I heard JJ say as if that was my que. "We all do" Kiara said and with that I walked out. "But I am" I told them softly.

They all turned to me. I swear it looked like their eyes were about to pop out of their heads. "Am I dreaming?" Pope asked coming up to me as he poked my face.

"No" I said with a laugh as I pulled him in tightly. "Y/n!" he yelled hugging me tight. I soon felt another person taking me into their embrace. Kiara.

I felt my shirt getting damp and I opened my eyes to see Kiara and Pope crying.

JJ was standing a few feet away with his jaw dropped as if it still hasn't hit him yet.

They both pulled away and I walked towards JJ.

"Hey J-" He tackled me placing his head in the crook of my neck.

"I missed you so much, I thought you you..." "I'm fine JJ I'm right here" I whispered to him.

Eventually we both pulled away and his lips smashed on mine. I melted into his touch, I didn't know how much I missed his touch until now.

"Where's JB and Sarah?" Pope asked as we pulled away.

"They're fine too! They are in the Bahamas, uhm they are kinda looking for the gold still" I said nervously as I scratched the back of my neck.

"After all that shit put us through" Kiara said laughing as she moved closer to me. They all did. It was as if they left so would I.

"You didn't go with them?" Pope asked surprised. "No I missed you guys too much" I told them softly. We all got into a group hug once again.

It was getting late so we moved outside to the hammocks starting a small fire in the middle.

"You have a lot of explaining to do babe" JJ said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in.

"It's a really long story" I replied shyly. "You conned us into thinking you were dead for two weeks, I think we have time" he said as we cuddled in the large hammock.

It was good to finally be back in his arms.

Ah I really like this one! I hope you guys like it too! Leave comments and votes! Love you guys! We are almost at 50k yay!!🤍

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