Firefly • Sarah

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(I put where to play the song)
1377 word count

Y/n's P.O.V

"Ready" John B said bumping my shoulder. "Yeah" I said nodding, as he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Let's go guys!" Kiara said excitedly as she ran to the boat. Everybody laughed at her eagerness but I just let out a light hum in response.

We all hopped on the boat as Pope went over to the wheel to start it up. I sat at the front trailing my hand against the water looking at my reflection.

"You alright?" JJ asks sitting next to me. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be" I tell him. "No reason just making sure" he says giving me a light smile.

I turn back looking at the water that stood underneath the boat.

I was a closeted girl who just happened to like both genders. Maybe girls a little more than guys. No one knew. I didn't plan on anyone knowing. I knew that if I told the pogues they would think of me differently and I didn't want that.

I'm not gonna lie it was hard. Hiding who I really was. I wasn't happy. I just wanted to be myself without any judgement. Although, I knew that was going to be impossible.

Because no matter where you are or who you are there is always gonna be someone who picks out or finds something wrong about you.

"Last one in is a loser" Kiara said jumping in the water as all the boys followed shortly after. I wasn't going to go in. I wasn't in the mood.

"Guess y/n's a loser" Pope said as everybody laughed except me. "I guess I am" I said a little too seriously.

They all looked gave me a confused expression. "Just joking" I said trying to play it off as they all shrugged and continued swimming in the water.

I wasn't. Maybe that's what I was. A loser. A loser who liked girls.

Soon they all got back on the boat and we were steering back. "Hey cutie" John B asks hugging me. We weren't dating but he would always intentionally flirt with me.

*Play song here*

I just sat not responding. "Not in the mood JB" I tell him pushing him slightly. "Aw is the poor baby sad"

He said pouting and pulling me in closer as he showered me with kisses. "I said I'm not in the mood!" I said pushing him off harder making him fall and grabbing everyone's attention.

"Sorry" I muttered quickly getting up on the stop and walking away fast. I instantly cussed myself for pushing John B as the group stayed on the boat just staring at me walk off as I heard calls out yelling for me to go back.

He didn't deserve it but I just wasn't in the greatest mind set.

I walked until the sky grew dark and the stars stood out. I sat at the dock and swung my legs over the edge letting my ankles slightly glaze the water.

I looked up at the sky staring at the stars. I looked down into the water moving my feet gently and seeing the effect it had on the water.

I saw a firefly fly pass me and land on the pole next to me.

"I wish my life was as simple as yours" I said looking at the firefly as it buzzed shaking the light that was on its back as it flew away.

"I wish I was normal" I said looking back down at my feet.

"Is anyone really?" I hear a soft voice behind me. I turned to see Sarah walking towards me. "Oh hi" I said looking towards her as she sat down next to me.

"Hey" she smiles looking into my eyes. Sarah and I were always close. I liked her a little more than a friend but always pushed the feelings deep down.

I tried for years trying to convince myself I liked boys but I knew it wasn't true. "What's really wrong y/n?" she asks me.

I feel myself suck in a breath as I slowly let it out. "Nothing" I lie. She looks behind us making sure no one was listening in as she turned back to me.

"You can fool those friends of yours but not me" she says softly. "I haven't seen you genuinely laugh or smile in a while" she says staring intensely at me. "Don't pretend to be someone you're not" she tells me. I don't know what it was about those words she said but I could feel my eyes glaze over and tears slowly drip down my face as I silently cried.

"Why can't I just be normal?" I ask her. "Why do I have to be weird and.." I take a deep breath. "Like girls" I tell her letting more tears fall down my cheeks.

"Y/n if you were normal, you'd be boring" she said looking out into the water in front of us that went on for miles and miles.

"Nothing is wrong with you just because you like girls" She says looking into my eyes. "Really?" I ask her. "You're perfect y/n just the way you are" she said cupping my cheek as she wiped my tears away.

"Are you sure?" I ask her looking down. She lifts my head up and looks at my lips before looking at my eyes. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life y/n" she says as she slowly leans in.

I mirror her movements leaning in. When her lips met mine I knew right then in there that this was way better than normal.

"You're perfect" she whispers again leaning her forehead against mine. I smile. That was the first time I smiled in a long time. I was finally being myself again.

"Now" she said pulling away. "If you're ready, I think it's best to let everyone see who the real y/n is" She says brushing her fingers over my cheek.


I woke up on Sarah's bed as I laid on her chest. "Good Morning" she says smiling. "Great Morning" I tell her as she pecked my lips lightly as we both got up.

"Sarah" I tell her before we walk out. "Yes" she says turning back around. "Thank you" I tell her. "For?" she asks. "This is the happiest I've been ever.." I say looking at the ground.

"Me too" She says smiling as she intertwined our


"Ready?" she ask as we stood on John B's porch. "As i'll ever be" I tell her letting out a sigh. She opens the door and we walk in. John B and JJ were on the couch while Pope and Kie were sitting down.

"Y/n" Pope says as everybody's eyes go straight to me and Sarah. "I'm sorry" I say looking toward John B. "No no don't worry about it" he say coming up to me pulling me in a hug.

"We are just glad you're safe" Kiara says hugging me as well. "I need to tell you guy something" I say. "What's up" JJ says as they all stand in front of us.

"If you haven't noticed already.. I haven't been myself lately" I said quietly as I looked down. Sarah puts her hand on my back and rubs it reassuringly.

"I-i" I stuttered as I looked to Sarah for help. She grabbed my hand and held it. The group looked down at our hands confused.

"I like girls" I say looking down to our hands and back to them. "Y/n" John B says. "We support your 100%" JJ says hugging me.

My eyes started to water as I hugged him
back. "We will always be here for you" Pope said joining in on the hug.

"We love you" Kiara said hugging me. "Don't ever think twice about telling us anything no matter what you will always be our best friend" John B said coming in as well making it a group hug.

Fireflies are said to bring light into a dark time. Sarah was my firefly.

I hope you guys enjoyed! I really liked this one! Please vote and comment it means a lot:)) 🤍

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