One Night Stand • JJ

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2776 word count
Warning: slight smut (not the actual thing)

Y/n P.O.V

My friend, y/f/n, texted me saying there was gonna be a party at the beach later. Just as I got the message I heard tires screech in my front yard.

"Sup loser" y/f/n said. "Hey" I smiled hugging her. "Let's go get ready" she said pulling me to my room. "Hmm do you want to get guys tonight" she asks looking between two outfits. I just shrug and she throws me jean shorts with a see through black top.

"Do you want me to look like a porn star" I say laughing. "Just go put it out" she says shoving me out the door. I groan and put the outfit on. I wasn't gonna lie I did look pretty hot.

I walked back in and her mouth dropped. "If I was gay I would totally bang you" she states. "oh shut up" i giggle. "Well let's head out before we are late"

We leave and head to the party. I wanted to let loose tonight. I had been so uptight lately and was worried about so many things that I forgot to have a little fun. I was a teenager after all. I wanted to get a boy tonight. Just for tonight.

Y/f/n brought me alcohol, but I didn't drink much. I wanted to be as sober as possible. I saw a tall blonde boy walking towards me. "Hi i'm JJ" he says with his hand out.

I shake it and reply "Y/n". "Well nice to meet you y/n" he says smiling. "likewise" i say winking. "So whats a pretty girl like you doing here" he asks. "Just wanting to have a bit of fun" I tell him.

He nods and puts his cup out and I do the same letting them clink together. "Fun, was it?" he asks smirking. I nod carefully. I feel his hand pull me leading me to a house.

He pulls me into a bedroom and as soon as the door closes he pushes me up against it and kisses my lips roughly. I tangle my hands through his hair as he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him.

He carefully lays me on the bed not breaking the kiss. He makes his way down to my neck. My breathing starts to get heavy and he takes note of that slightly chuckling.

"This is gonna have to go princess" He says taking off my top. I sit up and tug on his shirt as he swiftly takes it off. He leans me back on the bed and we continue to make out.

*You could imagine the rest*

We both fall on the bed panting. I curl up in his arms and lay on his chest as we both fall asleep.

"RISE AND SHINE" I hear a door open and a yell. I see a brown haired boy open the door. JJ quickly gets on top of me covering me. "Dude get out" he says throwing a pillow at the door.

The door closes quickly and I look down to reveal I hand no clothes on. "Fuck" I whisper getting up and putting my shorts, underwear and bra. He looks at me confused.

"Have you seen my shirt?" I asked him. "No" he said looking around. "Here just take one of mine" he says passing me one of his. "Thank you" I say putting it on. It fit me a little bit big but I didn't mind. Once I put it on I could smell his cologne.

"Well I should get going, sorry about all this" I say ruffling my hair. "Don't worry about it sweetheart, I had fun" he chuckles. "Yea me too JJ" I smile.

I step out and see three people sitting on a couch. A girl and two boys. "Hey i'll walk you" he says putting his hand on the lower part of my back. I smile at him thankfully and nod.

We head outside and I look around. "Thanks again" I laugh. "It was my pleasure" he said winking as I hit his shoulder laughing even more. "Oh shut up" I say shaking my head. "Bye" he said hugging me. "Bye" I say hugging him back.

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